Hey Im wondering if im ready to Ld yet. I’ve gotten my dream recall up to about 3 or 4 a night with the help of vitamins and by using a dream journal. I got really close to having an ld but as soon as i did a rc and realized i was dreaming i woke up. Well i hope someone could help me with this one. Thank you much.
you are ready whenever you think you are ready. I didn’t even do the dream recall thing when I started. I’m horrible, though, so you might not want to follow my example. Personally I think you are very capable of LDing.
If you can remember 3 to 4 dreams a night, I’d say you’re ready. Try using MILD and WBTB – look for the big sticky topics; you’ll get tons of tips!
Thanks a lot. I have already started out by using MILD and id say its worked very well. Well tonight im gonna try going to bed with the intention of having an ld and see what happens. Thanks again