Ok… I’ve seen the commercials on tv for this drug ambien. It’s a prescription sleep aid that you take only when you can’t sleep. I was wonderig if anyone has any experience with this drug, does it work, ect. and if so what does it do to dream recall?
I was reading up on it and it said it can cause short periods of amnesia sometimes (very rarey I think) and I was wondering if this affects dream recall. I hope this makes sence, maybe I shouldn’t post just after taking a shot of rum.
I’ve been on it for around a year. It does help sleep really well but you better be on your way to bed when you take it, it knocks me out in minutes. I still ld quite well on it. Personally I have no side effects, other people may though.
This topic will be locked because there is already a topic dedicated to this medicin:
BTW to avoid any confusion, Ambien = Stillnoct = Stillnox, all just the same label for same medicin, Zolpidem.