I wounder how much memory could be stored in there and for how long? I will give an example. I had a ND about this place in town that I have never been before (or so i thought) I remember the funny looking trees the rich houses and everything. A few days later I am actually living out that dream and walking down the same street with the same houses and EVERYTHING. My dad told me that i had been there before when I was 4 when I asked if I had ever been here before.
Thats so long ago, and either by some freak thing my brain pulled that together into a dream scene or it pulled it outta the subconcious. I just wounder how long somthing could be stored up there.
Anyone have something similar to this and whats ur thoughts?
There was some PhD who said that the brain contains more possible associations between the brainscells than the whole universe’s atoms. Or something similar. The point was that you could store alot.
And the subconcious mind have the same memory that the concious mind those. The subconcious just sometimes hide it from the concious mind. But it’s the same memory
Your brain doesn’t store everything, it just stores everthing that makes a good enough impression, it doesn’t store the color of the second book to the left of the encyklopedia in the school library, even though you might have seen it.
The greater the impression the easier it is to find it too.
There are people that rememeber everything they’ve ever seen. I rememeber seeing this guy on tv that could rememeber everything he had ever read. He just had to read a book once and after that he could even tell you what the 5th word on page 100 was
He didn’t remember every word he have ever read. He was merely using a mnemonic technique. In this case the photographical memory technique. It’s very rare.
Mnemonic techniques are easy to adept, I use a few myself regulary. I don’t need a shopping list to shop for example. I just put it in my head.
You should read up on the subject, it’s dead useful.
There are kinds of memories.If you mean what you said there are answers above- everything is stored- your abilities to get it out count.Its all same for councious and uncouncious mind- actually you memorize more with the latter.
But i guess you meant something slightly different.Our dreams are stored in short term memory.If written or memorized in some other way(going through the dream few times in your head helps too) it then goes to long term memory which is different for everyone but in general its unlimited.