Do you think we can create multyple personalities in a LD . I mean, i dont see any beneficts in having diferent personalities. But imagine the possabylities of having another identity (maybe im being stupid saying this since im just 15 yers old , and knowing nothing about psychologie).
But what do you think about this…
( please dont use those WierdInMyPointOfView words
I think it’s extremely difficult to create 100% perfect multiple personalities in a LD. For a start, the two persons mustn’t be aware of each others existence (as is the case in real multiple personalities). They must act really as two different people, in almost every aspect, with two different characters and different physiological reactions to certain agents (allergies,…). How can you split your dream mind into two different personalities who are unaware of each other, while at the same time your single mind shapes the dream itself? Seems like a difficult task to me
Perhaps only someone who has a multiple personality in real life can achieve this in his dreams…