This is the second thread about this topic, negative ionizers and their claimed positive effects on dream recall. Please don’t forget to check out the first part, which can be found here:
I am happy to announce that after recieving positive feedback, combined with my research, now confirm that the electrical ionizer technique definetly does work for better dream recall. Therefore, I recommend purchasing one as soon as possible. The most profound results will occur when one utilizes an alarm clock to wake you up after at least 4 hours of sleep. I have been emphasizing all along the importance of keeping a dream journal to sharpen your dream memory recall. This is necessary to prepare you for Phase 2 of my method which I will begin to reveal today on this thread. If you do not have an electrical ionizer as of yet, then you are not properly mentally prepared to attempt Phase 2. But for those of you who have been using the ionizer and have kept a journal, you are now ready to enter Phase 2 . Congratulations . Now please go to my next thread entitled “Wizards Phase 2 for Lucid Dreaming.”
Wizard- I have come across an air purifier called Biozone that uses high intensity UV light. The light destroys almost all airborne impurities and creates a plasma of negative ions, hydroxyls, and 03 (The hydroxyls are oxidants more effective than ozone and chlorine).
Does this product seem to perform the same tasks desired from the ionizers you speak of? thanks.
To abrickinthewall…I am not familiar with this ultra ray device you mentioned, however, if it disperses electrical negative ions in the air, then perhaps it will work. I cannot say for certain. Are you considering purchasing it, or have you purchased it already? If you have, please give us feed back on your results, good or bad. Thanks!
abrickinthewall…I went to the website that sells this product, and after reading all the info, I am convinced that it will work just fine. However, it has a very expensive price tag and purchasing something that expensive to accomplish our needs is unecessary. I recommend the device found by Deathlessone which sells for around $12.00 with four pins and comes completely assembled. But however, if you can afford to buy it without a strain on your budget, then it’s up to you.
This is kind of related… I read a while back that the best time for LDs and OBEs is before and during thunderstorms. I guess these air ionizers create a similar environment.
Note for non-US dreamers:
the website mentioned by Deathless One with the cheap negative ionizers only ships to foreign customers who spend at least 50$, shipping not included .
Impatient as I am regarding this topic, I ordered a more expensive (and hopefully more effective ) ionizer from germany. Expect to get it next week, will report results as soon as I get it.
Can’t wait to see how this affects my dream recall AND the allergy… sneeze
Wizard- Indeed I did purchase the air purifier/negative ionizer and I am extremely pleased. Last night was my first with it, and not only did I have my longest and most detailed dream ever, I was lucid throughout most of it. I had several breakthroughs; I was able to recognize I was dreaming without doing and RC, and when I felt myself going back into my body I was able to completely re-enter the dream. I was also able to question a DC and asked him if he was dreaming (he smiled and walked away). Usually dream flight is a breeze for me but in this one I couldn’t take off because I was second guessing myself as a result of the realistic qualities; the detail was fantastic. This was the best LD I have had so far and now I plan to have many more, thanks to Wizard!