An Early New Years Reslotuion

Looking over my stats, I’ve noticed I’ve actually been having less LD’s than I use too.

May: nine… Jun: five… Jul: eight… Aug: three… Sep: three… Oct: seven… Nov: four… Dec: none…

The reason for this is twofold (actually, threefold).

  1. Lately (though only just) I’ve been taking less reality checks.
  2. I’ve keep on forgetting to do MILD during WBTB
  3. I’ve gotten very lax about keeping my DJ. When I first started, everything I dreamt went in there. Over time though, I’ve noticed I’ve put in less and less ND… until I reached a point I didn’t inlclude any ND’s at all.

Well, I’ve gone out and got my hands on a new DJ and now I’m making an early new years resloluting - I’m gonna put as much effort into my LD’ing as I did back in my golden months (;P).

Wish me luck - and to all you new guys - never get laxed about keeping a DJ and using your techs (unless for some odd reason you want less LD’s) :grin:.

Sounds good, maybe I will join you in keeping a DJ. I haven’t yet and it really doesn’t seem to affect me one way or another. However, my MILD tech I am using now instead of WILD has been working wonders, and I think a dream journal may lead to more LD’s then are happening now. I will test this for the rest of the week, and if it works I will join you in your early new years resolution.

I have noticed a funny think in my DJ. After each night I always write down how many NDs and LDs I’ve had. And when I look back I can see if I where more focused on LDs on NDs at that time just by looking if I wrote down the number of LDs or NDs first :tongue: I was very surprised when I noticed this :eh: But I find it very cool that I subconsiously do that :cool_laugh: and I know it’s accurate too.

im finding it hard to get into lding at the moment got my GCSE mocks now. and next june ish i got my real GCSE’s and ive got lots of work at school and when i get home i just wanna crash and do nothing lol. just vegetate.