Looking over my stats, I’ve noticed I’ve actually been having less LD’s than I use too.
May: nine… Jun: five… Jul: eight… Aug: three… Sep: three… Oct: seven… Nov: four… Dec: none…
The reason for this is twofold (actually, threefold).
- Lately (though only just) I’ve been taking less reality checks.
- I’ve keep on forgetting to do MILD during WBTB
- I’ve gotten very lax about keeping my DJ. When I first started, everything I dreamt went in there. Over time though, I’ve noticed I’ve put in less and less ND… until I reached a point I didn’t inlclude any ND’s at all.
Well, I’ve gone out and got my hands on a new DJ and now I’m making an early new years resloluting - I’m gonna put as much effort into my LD’ing as I did back in my golden months (;P).
Wish me luck - and to all you new guys - never get laxed about keeping a DJ and using your techs (unless for some odd reason you want less LD’s) .