An easy WILD technique: visualizing colours

I tried this last night also, I felt relaxed as soon as I saw Red! But Im having a difficult time breathing right before your body falls completely asleep. It becomes extremely hard to exhale so I keep inhaling to the point where I cant breathe, then I had to sit up and force all the air out, ruining my experience :sad:

Haku, it happens to me too. It’s hard to breathe, sometimes even painful.

Haha, I was doing a few cycles of this before going to sleep, and my body jolted me awake. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was only sleeping, for I kept seeing things move on my walls. So I walk outside and everythings fine, I do several reality checks. (all failed) and then tried to spin around and see if the setting changed. I ran into my wall when i did this and fell down. I came to the conclusion that I was awake :lol:


I’ve been there (last night, in fact)… except for the running into the wall part, but that seems like quite the reality check, maybe the best one. I’ll try that RC shortly I think.

Wow, you got all of this stuff off of Totse? I’d watch out now if I were you, the FBI is probably tracking your computer. :tongue:

Not really, but Totse does have a lot of… well… interesting stuff on it. Pretty much everything from making homemade bombs to hacking vending machines to growing ricin. Not the most responsible site, but I’m glad they have some dream related stuff.

I’ve tried this method a few times and it definetely helps me relax but I haven’t been able to WILD with it. I’ll keep trying though!

Despite where it’s from, anything’s worth trying in my opinion. I’m excited to give it a go.

Attempted this last night for quite a while. I was easily relaxed and fell asleep doing it. Unfortunately, last night was the first night in three days that I didn’t remember a dream or fragment. I am going to try tonight again, will update if there is any change as to the outcome.

I totally forgot about this. I’m going to give it another go again tonight. :cool_laugh:

I did it! This trick (in combination with the water trick) allowed me my first seconds of lucidity since I was a child! I am soooo happy! Thank you classicalhisux for posting this! dances, cheers

I actually just tried this technique this morning…how ironic. I’m starting to lose my skills on going into Alpha state :sad: this is not good.

I’m desperate for a new technique…ill give this a go. Post results later. :tongue:

I’ve tried this twice when going to sleep. Kept going through the colors until I fall asleep. Both times it gave me very vivid ND’s, it really seems to have some effect. It puts me in a relaxed and comfortable state of mind as well. I’ll keep doing it, hopefully I’ll get some LD’s from it too. Thanks for sharing this! :content:

I’m certainly going to be trying this tonight!

I have tried this a few times now and I have had detailed dreams, seems like dreams more. At least I get to write more stuff in my DJ when I do it. But I haven’t tried it that many times. I just have a good feeling about this technique. It also got me relaxed quite quickly.

This technique can also be pretty nice in meditation too ^^ You can concentrate on it and relax your body, and let go of all your stress. It’s pretty cool :smile:

the link doesnt work anymore :sad:

Rashid 11, you’re right, the link doesn’t work anymore. Although that may be, this technique seems promising. It’s showed some success and has said to create very good normal dreams. I believe that if you use this right, you could modify it to help induce indeed a lucid dream. I’ll be trying this tonight and post how it went tomorrow. Good job on this technique by the way!

I have two questions.

  1. How long should I think about the colors? How long should I give for red, orange, indigo etc etc?
  2. I have an extreme insomnia condition. It takes around 2-3 hours for me to fall asleep. Will I be able to fall asleep fast with this technique?

the content was posted into this topic. Mainly because of the controversial content of the rest of the site :tongue: .

I go with 10secs, and that’s what other people in this topic said too, but you can go longer if wanted or needed.
And b) yes it will definitely help. Just remember to relax, focus on your intention of visualizing colors (which means no distractions, just think about the exercise) and keep cycling if needed. I got asleep in a single cycle more than once :content: and I was a poor sleeper too.

Hmm… but it seems really surreal that I’ll fall asleep in a short time when I have such an extreme insomnia problem. (I’m 16, and I’ve tested 2 different sleeping pills at two different times. They didn’t work on me…)

  1. How long do you think it will take for me to “fall asleep”?

  2. Doesn’t this mean that this technique the ultimate cure for insomnia?