I found this awesome audio on the web and burned it to a blank CD. It’s the EILD method, and is supposed to be listened to while in the middle of a dream, to que you in that you are dreaming. The question I have is that, how can I set it so that it goes with my ‘REM’ sleep cycle, and goes on when I’m in a dream, not in a non-dream sleeping, stage… all I have is a dvd player, that will play the CD, but you can order it so that it would only play every- 40 minutes or so…(the audio is about 12 minutes by the way), how long is a REM cycle? Thanks
The first smaller REM cycle is usually 1.5 hours after you go to sleep, but it’s generally shorter. You’ll have a lot of REM activity 4-6 hours after you first go to sleep. Here’s a basic chart that shows REM cycles, but remember everyone’s sleep patterns are different.
As for the technique, it can work but you will still need to make sure you’re working on awareness and telling yourself you’ll recognize it. I’ve had external stimulation that merely got incorporated into the dream and I never realized it. Keep working on it, just tell yourself “whenever I hear ___ I know I’ll be dreaming”
Good luck