I personaly, beleive in shared dreaming. I have yet to have more LDs before I reach that stage. I’ll get there though.
There was a topic about using OBE to find Saddam or Osama. Well I was wondering wether you could invite them into a dream, and change into one of there sons or something. You could then interogate them. I think it should be done with Bush and Blair as well.
It doesn’t have to be them though. You could interogate your head master.
Another question is, is it right to interogate people in this way? Would the Iraq wars circumstances make it right for this type of interrogation. (Of Saddam, Bush and Blair.)
What do you think? However, I don’t want to started another argument about this Iraq war, like in that OBE topic.
LMAO technodreamer! What a great idea! How much better would the world be if all we had to do to stop a war was go to sleep. No but hang on, then we would get big gangs of dream inquisitors ruling the dreamworld, interogating innocent people and bullying them into submission. The dreamworld would no longer be a free place and we would live in terror of going to sleep.
I think that shared dreaming should only be attempted with the person’s permission first. How would you like it if people kept on popping up in your dreams uninvited??
Yes. I agree. There ought to be Lucid police called not coppers but loppers. Just joking. Ther ought to be a group that protects against Lucid harasment. They are the only ones alowed to interrogate people with reason.
But what is “Reason”? Now we’re back into the loop of the Iraq war.
I’ve another idea. I’ve heard that in dreams one can use telepathy to communicate with DCs. Is it possible to use telepathy with RL people in your SDs? If so, can you transmit knowledge from one person to another (a formula, skill, or something) so the other person can use it in RL? That would be cool- share your knowledge through dreams!
I notice this sounds pretty farfetched, considering I’m skeptical that SDs can happen. Someone tell me if it works… or if it’s been tried.
Interesting, i have heard of people that go lucid and go around the dream world and tell people that they are not dreaming, that it is real life. but i have yet to find this group yet. And if i did lol ohhhhhh they wouldnt last long.
And think if everyone could have a big SD well would you bow down to me hmm seems like the evil part of me is comming out again lol but hey if there was such a thing. well people who told me waht to do wouldnt last long.
as for the telepathy well i cant see why not, your minds have to be connect to have a sd dream anyway dont they so why not
I will give this a go when i next have a ld, i will actally give it a go tonight post tommorow
How exactly do you share dream anyway. Do you just go up to a door and say I want “PERSON”. Then open the door and let them in. If people go around telling me I’m dreaming then how do they know who I am. Unless, I suppose you could have a SD pages (Unlike the yellow pages). I’m not regestering me in the SD pages. I want to achieve myself.
So… What exactly is meant by this. Would you not like them invading your dreams. If you become Lucid I wouldn’t mind being told I’m dreaming by you or any one. (But not when I’m dreaming about sex or in the nude)
hmm maybe i didnt make my self clear. they tell u that you are NOT dreaming. hence u are ment to lose lucidity.
If they were to try it with me i would show they why i got so good at lucid dreaming. And make them feel…very hurt and wake up with a sore head. I have blown people out of my dreams before
infact tonight i might go find one and show them a lesson
p.s if you are on of these people. do not go to sleep tonight
Sorry. Yes my mistake. I apoligise. I should read your comments more carefuly! Yes, if they told me I wasn’t dreaming I would check. Then I would see I was dreaming and hang them.
But I live in the UK and you live in Australia. That means while I’m awake your asleep. While I’m asleep your awake. So unless I learn to WILd or take a nap, you’ll never find me.
lol hmm so by saying that are you saying tha you are one of thoes people that walk around the dream world telling others they are not dreaming??
And who says time plays a major roll in dreams. who says ica tn go back wards or forwards in time. Hmm well untill i prove that to my self i cant really commint on that either. oh well.
And who says i sleep when everone else sleeps… well i do so dont worry but hey i might try and get into your dream.
And i went looking last night. went lucid twice, first one was crap no real controll, teh second was at nearly my best but they never came, and i went looking for someone else not them
I had a my best lucid dream 1-2 nights ago.
In the dream I meet someone who said he was having a lucid dream too, then we heard a big sound I thought I would wake up but I didn’t, and he told me hes clock was ringing, and next secound he was gone. The IRL time of this was around 6:10 swedish time. Maybe I just dreamed it or its true who knows
I’ve had a better idea. As we know, Dr.David Kelly was sussposed to have commited suiside. I don’t beleive this to be true. Campbell resigned oddly, near the time of the Hutton Inqury. Kelly’s wife has also said nothing. Funny, goverment officials went round her house the day after he was found dead. She didn’t seem to comment on how stressed he was. He also left a notes, saying he was to kill himself. Peple commiting suicide usualy don’t leave notes. Funny how he also said he would end up dead in a field.
So we could use SD to interogate our goverment. To get the truth. I beleive thatinerogating people for this king of circumstances is OK. Do people agree?
Well, there’s always the possibility (and a big one at that) that you could think you’d got into their dream, while it’s actually just a normal dream and they’re normal dream characters. Like dreaming that you were shared dreaming. Then your dream characters (in the form of Tony Blair or whatever) would probably just tell you what you expected to hear anyway. Which wouldn’t be much help.
Anyway, I care little for politics and want to keep it well clear from my dream world. Dreams should be used for matters more important ie. finding inner peace etc.
Yes. It just irritates me the way Dr.David Kelly commited suicide yet the evidence is now pointing at the goverments doing. Oh well…
Timeless_soul said about thoose people who go around the LD SD world and tell you your not dreaming. I was thinking, could you setup a confusing maze, split them up some how, and be an imposter of each ones Friend to them. ie, You fake being one of there friends. Again, you have to find a way to make sure that they’re real and not DC. However I beleive Insane_goff knows a way, in one of the topics on this Forum.
Sorry, I didn’t explain myself well. I meant that (I think), the way in which Dr.David Kelly left his suicide note, via Email, is not what suicidals would do. I mean, let me just sit down on my computer in my living room with my family around me, and type up a suicide note! No, you would either leave no note or leave a rough written note. Dr.Kelly was probably to stressed to use his computer if he wanted to commit suicide.
Well i find it very suspicious that he did commit suicide.
So did he commit suicide? I still wonder!
Btw Insane_goth did you know that ppl who commit suicide have significant less serotonin receptors then others…
So ehm maybe a private question but do you have medication or so then?