Here is my thought. When I go into sp I can usually go into an ld directly through it. I use it as a gateway to the different levels so to speak. Anyhow. I often go into an ld almost straight away in what seems like maybe 10-20 seconds of being in sp.
According to most sources rem which if I am correct is when lucid dreams occur, takes 60 minutes to come on. So my question is. Why am I entering this stage so fast?
All i can think of is when im lying in my bed awake and slowly watching the random images progress until i can enter sp, I am in a semi sleep state allready.
Some people are just lucky.
But have you check the time before and after you LD.
Cuz alot of the time it seems like a small amunt of time,But it could be 3 hours!
I have often been straight in a lcuid dream after 15 to 20 minutes of zen wild or from sp in indeed 10 to 20 seconds…this last is because you are already very close to rem and normal sleep routine doesnt count then 4 you like the normal sleep cycles!
I guess when im falling asleep and watching the crazy random images and thoughts entering my head I must be unknowingly in a sort of trance state, which preps me for rem.
Depends on the sp stage your in jack…that is different of course at some times and with ppl.
But some levels of sp are close to rem. The light levels of course are not.
Well from my sp or the black void I can enter ld anyway so I have no use for wilds if they are what I think they are, as in just a techniqe for inducing ld.
Hi pritchy,
you’ll be happy to know that your tenique is classified as it’s own Lucid induction method, called Sleep Paralysis Induced Lucid Dreaming (SPILD).
My theory is that, as soon as you start sleeping, your brain repeats the same thoughts over and over to set neuron pathways in your brain. So you are doing the same though processes over and over without relizing. But whne you eventualy come to REM, the brain consolidates the info it got from testing the same though over and over, into one memory. So although it feels like 10 secs because the memory only lasted 10 secs, it was actually 3 or 4 hours, say.
Anybody is welcome to prove my theory wrong (or right).
About 4 nights ago. I was in lf4all chat. I logged off cause i was exhausted. I fell asleep right away, entered sp, then non rem lucid dream, groped a few women then got dragged back and got attacked by the old hag. Then i woke up and logged back on to ld4all. This was all in 18 minutes. So i reckon the actual process was about 14.
It seems to me that dreams were more often related with REM sleep, but that they could also happen less frequently during the other (NREM) sleep stages.
If it’s true, that would not be so much strange that you could enter in a dream with WILD technique.
Basilus West i have lucid dreams in rem and non rem sleep.
Non rem sleep dreams are pure black and white and harder to remember in detail then rem sleep dreams after waking up.
Rem sleep dreams are in colour and easier to remember by in detail after waking up.
Also u have more control in rem sleep lds but non rem sleep lds rock for trance experiences.
Actually jeff this non rem and others are in colour but they are harder to maintain lucidity. Like I keep fading back to black so its hard to maintain and shorter. Often i dont see anything in them. Just feel stuff. Then if I can sink down deeper i can enter the actual dream world. Strangely in the one I mentioned I cant remember the sleep paralysis before the dream. Just enering the lucid dream and then going into sleep paralysis after. It definetly was in less than 20 minutes.
Pritch not all dreams in other layers of sleep are in colour.
When you get delta wave patterns your dreams in non rem sleep are absolutely not in colour, of course you are then in a deeper sleep stage then normal rem sleep, non rem sleep has several stages of sleep depth not just one.