Here’s my interesting little dea that may help you out.
Try to make a mental deal with yourself.
For instance, will yourself to give up a habit
(here, smoking is a good example) and associate it with lucid dreaming.
Make a deal like, “if I give up smoking, I’ll have more lucid dreams”
Also, you can make a reality check
whenever you have an urge to break this “deal”
This will definitely affirm your devotion towards lucid dreaming…
and hey, you can give up a bad habit at the same time.
Don’t think of this as a way to guarantee a lucid dream every night.
You can use it to increase your chances.
Of course, this is flexible. You can use it for remembering dreams and whatnot… but the reality checks are a nice touch
It worked for me (I gave up coffee) so go ahead and see how it works for you.
Interesting idea, but I think it takes too much commitment that I am willing to give. If I thought of something I was willing to give up for dreams, it wouldn’t be important enough to really change anthing.
Maybe you could use it to cut down a little? You could say “Alright, I’m going to smoke on these days, but I won’t smoke on Monday or Tuesday if I can have a better chance of becoming lucid and have great recall when I wake up. Deal?”
Almost seems like a cop-out. I think the original method has a better chance of working. Either that or you could just do the positive reinforcement WITHOUT giving up a habit. To me it seems like trying to kick a habit is more stressful than one might think. You would be preoccupied with getting over it and not actually working on the LD side of it. If you’re looking for rewards as incentive to quit whatever, then you might want to stick with something fool-proof like a comfort food or going to see a movie, etc. Just something you enjoy.