An interesting weekend

Hi. This is my first time posting on this forum.

In the past 2 days I had 2 interesting experiences. In the morning the day before yesterday I woke up but stayed in my bed for a little while. At one point suddenly started to feel extremely strong vibrations, as would happen before an OOBE. This has happened to me before a few times, except this time I wasn’t at all scared. After the vibrations went away I had a very strange feeling and I realized I was inside a room. The door was closed and there was a poster either on the door or on the wall. I stayed there for a few seconds then the feeling went away and I was aware of myself laying in my bed with my eyes closed. I knew I was completely awake, but I could see through my closed eyes. I could see a door. I tried to move toward it but I couldn’t. I eventually opened my eyes and got out of my bed. I think what may have happened is that I was out of my body for a short time and then I was remote viewing, but I was in someone else’s room, since my door was open and I have no posters.

Another experience I had was from yesterday. Last night I meditated for about a half hour and then went to lay down. I didn’t intend to go to sleep since it wasn’t that late. I did at some point fall asleep and start dreaming. I was lucid, although I’m not sure if I was lucid when i started dreaming or got lucid in the dream. A short time into it I felt everything fading so i started saying “INCREASE LUCIDITY NOW!” and “INCREASE CLARITY NOW!” about 100 times. At first everything got a little clearer but then everything got blurry and I started to slur my speech and I felt kind of drunk. Then I woke up. The whole time I was asleep lasted at the most 15 minutes, because I checked the time before I went to sleep and after. This is really weird, because in sleeping cycles you usually don’t start dreaming until about 90 minutes. I think I may have been about to go into an OOBE but instead went into a lucid dream.

I’d like to know what everyone thinks about all of this.

the first sounds like a WILD and the second a short ld i don’t think either was a OBE but who knows :cool: