Hi, i just recently had the urge the look up information and dreaming and how to become aware during etc. so im just now learning about the techniques and practicing them daily. lately i havent had any LD’s just a mess of non lucid ones that i could remember.
Its weird though because i remember, truely (maybe unconsouisly?) developing the power to LD. when i was younger i used to have frequent nightmares. i figured out that when i was dreaming before whatever was going to harm me (unreal as it may be) did its job, i could concessously(sp) tell me self to wake up. i would think about it relaxed in the bed that i finally over come my fears of nightmares.
eventually though i didnt just wake myself up, i would just think whatever was haunting me away or into something less threatening. eventually i would use this in regualar dreams! to LD even though for short periods of time because LDing makes me wake up more often then not (i think it draws back to the fact i used to just want to wake up out of a dream not control it or just be aware).
Its just weird now because i know i had the ability (Thats the only reason i deceided to log on the internet to search to see if it was really possible, if i wasnt fooling myself per say) but havent had an Lucid dreams for years i think… just wanted to share that…
First of all id just want to say that its cool how every time u had a nightmare u would be able to tell yourself that u were dreaming…i could never do that. I would just be too scared at the moment Im sure that if u start up LDing again u will have success^_~ Good luck with that!
Nice of u to share your experiences
Whats up D.J. WhizKid I think we all have experiences like this in childhood we tend to block out. Its funny because our stories are a lot alike in that we both had lucid dreams in childhood and search for answers as we get older. It`s like a part of us longs for a deeper understanding of past experiences to put us on a exiting new path. Good luck to you in your future L.D. attempts.
I too came to this site because I had experienced LDs in my childhood. My late childhood, to be specific, which wasn’t actually that long ago (I’m only 13). I had a good amount of them over a few years, but not as a result of nightmares. They just started happening.
Anyway, now I’m here and trying to learn LD induction, so far with no success. I guess all there is to do for it is to keep trying…Perservere, and hopefully, you’ll get one soon.
I never had lucid dreams or frequent nightmares as a child. The way I got into LDs was through a paranormal board on this one video game/talk site called gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com).
I tried, for, like, a few days, and got off track. One night, out of the blue, I had a very short, cloudy LD. I suppose this is what made me think “Okay, I can do these. Hell yeah!” That was about two months ago. Since then, I’ve only had one more experience. Although I haven’t had any good, long LDs, I choose to stay optimistic about it.
I’ve never had any really long LDs either. All the LDs I’ve had were random occurences, like I said. Some of them were pretty good, but all were fairly low lever, at least in terms of thought. My logical mind wasn’t in it at all. That was before I knew much about LDs. All I knew was what I learned from A Course on Conciousness, which I am now finding out is not the definitive resource I percieved it to be.
Optimism can be a hard thing for me sometimes. It depends on what I’m being optimistic about. Currently for LDs, my enthusiasm is high, and I suppose my optimism is about half. I believe I’ll get one eventually. I’m just having some trouble with it right now.
I’m 14, so it’s good to know I’m not the youngest here. I used to be able to wake up from my nightmares if I wanted. I would just close my eyes really tight, then bend over forwards, and when I opened my eyes I would be sitting up in my bed again.