Hi, I’m new (and should have posted in the sticky thread, but I wanted to start out with an experience I had).
After visiting this site last night, for the first time, I had quite an experience when I went to sleep. I woke up this morning and wrote down what I experienced in a journal.
It was weird, very weird. But I here’s a copy of my journal:
May 26, 2004 - 4:11am
I just had one of the weirdest experiences of my life.
The night before, May 25th, I couldn’t sleep, so I stayed up a little late and surfed the internet.
I was reading up on something called “Out of Body Experiences”…
Afterwards, I think I went to bed and fell asleep around 2:30 am. As I was going to sleep, I was thinking about OBE.
First thing that happened was I felt my mind being pulled away from my body. I wasn’t thinking about OBE at this time, but it was still in the back of my mind.
Next thing I know, I’m in a dream. The beginning of the dream had something to do with me and my dad engaged in a loud arguement. The last thing he said to me was, “Hey! Get back over here!” - he said this at the bottom of the stairs and I was walking towards into my room, which is at the top of the stairs.
Next moment I’m in bed with my eyes closed. I have no idea what I was using, but I had a device with me in bed that would play a sound at a certain frequency with a flash to alert my brain. This was a device similar to those used to help people obtain an OBE.
Since I was in a dream, my device was farfetched and LITERALLY put me into an OBE within TWO SECONDS…
Keep in mind, everything from the dad arguement up until this point has been a DREAM! I have experienced OBE until NOW - here’s what happened:
I opened my eyes…in the dark…still in bed, but in a COMPLETELY different room. (This is ALL within my original dream).
I was realizing that I was in the middle of an OBE, but I DID NOT realize it was still a dream.
I lifted up my arms while still in bed, and I could FEEL myself escaping my body. At the same time, though, I could FEEL myself coming back to REALITY.
The room was small, one bed, that I was laying on. A window to the left (I could not see beyond it, but I could hear birds chirping - which is the same thing I hear NOW while I write this journal after waking up).
And there was, what I think was a TV mounted on a wall to my right [much like it is positioned in my room right now, compared to my bed].
I looked both ways very very slowly, I could feel myself AWAY from my body AND being PULEED back to my body.
The door was then opened. There were stairs leading down and a hallway going away from me - to the north, where I couldn’t see.
I wanted SO badly to get up and explore. At first I was scared at the whole situation, but the chirping of the birds reminded me that I was SAFE!
I remembered a rule about OBE and the astral plane - where all your thoughts are made into objects. I experimented with this, and did something I can’t remember, but the results were nothing special, like it wouldn’t let me or it didn’t work.
My mom walked in, but didn’t look at me. She was looking at something on the wall. I wanted to tell here about my OBE, but she left the room.
At this point I’m still dreamin, but the OBE is gone. I’m in my bed, in the strange room, wishing I was in OBE again - not realizing I was in a dream.
I tried it again - BTW, the entire time (Dream and OBE within a dream) I was breathing heavily and my heart was beating quickly.
I tried again, but it wasn’t working. I saw an image of a heartbeat monitor floating before me - my heartbeat kept dropping to a constant zero - and I was thinking - how unusual…
Then I woke up, back to reality, in bed - breathing heavily, heart pounding, realizing what just happened.
I’m now going back to sleep. I have to wake up in about 3 hours for school.
The time is 4:52 am I have been writing this for 35 minutes.
Thanks for reading. What do you think? Any suggestions?