Hello all !
I would just like to talk about some observations I made during my trip abroad, during the last 10 days, and maybe one could shed light on what looks like a mystery to me.
First of all , let me give you a background, so that you can make more sense of my writings.I am a novice lucid dreamer. I have been interested in dreams and OOBES for about 1-2 years, I started practicing about a year ago, but not too intensely - more like every now and then. On for two months, off for one… I haven’t had any mind-boggling results till now - just 7-8 lucid dreams (longest one lasted about 15 seconds) and one OBE experience that lasted 3-4 secs. My dream recall fluctuates all the time. Some days I could remember 3 dreams per night (I would wake up in the middle of the night and write it down) , and other days I couldn’t remember a single thing.
That was the case for the last month, with few exceptions. I couldn’t remember almost anything, and I had about 1-2 lucid dreams that lasted only for 3-4 seconds.I used to sleep for about 7-8 hours every night, mainly because I just could not sleep any more, even if I wanted to.
11-12 days ago I travelled to Austria, where my cousin studies . (I live in Greece) From the first night I knew something had changed. These 8 nights I slept in his flat, were the best nights of my life.
Nothing I did during these 8 days would I do normally in Athens. I changed my dietary habits, my time schedule, everything. What is really weird though, is that this was not stable during these days.
For example. during the first 2 days I drank beer. Loads of beer for my standards. About 1- 1.5 lts (I don’t drink beer normally!!!) every time. Then I reduced it to 0.5 lt and then to nothing…
The same with food. At first I ate very heavily at night. Sausages or pizza, just before I went to bed . Then gradually, I stopped, or I ate very early.
Other conditions: I started sleeping very late, at about 4-5, and then gradually I slept 3,2,1 12.00 , even 8.30 in the afternoon !!!
The thing is, in that place I COULD sleep for more than 12 hours, and it wasn’t because I was tired or anything. During my last night there, I slept at 8.30 and woke up at 10 !! (13 1/2 hours later!!) And EVERYTIME I woke up after 6-7 hours to go for a piss and I didn’t feel sleepy at all - however I didn’t have trouble going back to sleep immediately. Mind you, every time I went to the bathroom I just thought of how nice it would be if I could lucid dream . And that’s what would happen: about 4 times out of 8 I had a lucid dream that lasted more than normal. I must have had several more, but I m not sure they were exactly lucid - I did some reality checks but they didn’t convince me !! (Looked at the time twice and it changed, but I couldn’t get my hand to pass through the window so I concluded I wasnt dreaming - stupid, I know)
Another time, I visualised a room and I entered it (!!) There were 4-5 people inside , and I decided to go talk to one (first time an LD doesnt fade out on me !!) of them who wore a white garment. I told him “Do you KNOW which part of my psyche you represent??!?!?” and he answered “YES!!” (stupid question, stupid answer)
Other conditions: Extra cold room, no sheets. My cousin gave me his quilt, and a pajama (pants), I also wore socks (I never wear socks in bed)
result feeling of very nice heat inside the bed.
Also , during the day I NEVER thought of lucid dreaming. Instead, back in athens I think of it often. I was also in a relatively good mood, whereas in athens I was feeling reeeeally blue for about a month…
The thing is , now that I have returned, everything is exactly the way it was before I left. Almost no dream recall, can’t sleep more than 8 hours, really blue. Only in my first night sleep I had a very vivid dream , but that was probably because I saw it just before I woke up in the morning…There are lots of clues in here. If only one could rule out all the irrelevant ones …?
Thanks all, and sorry for my lengthy post…