Ancient Earth - Astounding dream I had

Here’s an astounding dream I had, have fun reading it.

I realise that reading it’s written story may be dissapointing, as it in no way reaches up you the feelings of the actual dream. But I tell you - it was humungous, vivid, and filled to the top with feelings - giving me an astounding feeling uppon awakening.

Before that dream though, a normal dream that I had before on the same night.

Morning - 05-06/20 (YY-MM/DD)

I’m in a sitcom, and I’ve just been arrested for some kind of radio crime. The crime includes murder, but I’m sure it wasn’t me - I was only searching.

I have no idea of what kind of feelings or thoughts this dream left me with, as it was a long time ago and I don’t seem to have written anything more than this.

After this dream I woke up, recorded it, turned on a lucid dreaming induction mp3 on my computer and went back to bed. This was the first time I tried this .mp3. It was said to make dreams more vivid and to help you become aware that you are dreaming (by telling you so, and ordering you to execute reality checks). This track had a heavy influence on my dream, as you’ll be seeing here.


[ND]As a dream team leader (see sealife) I got to try a lucid dream induction .mp3 or something, in the dream it was probably a computer program. I was shown an old world, older than us humans could think of. This is underground, and there are huge uneven cylinders of brown rock rotating slowly, hovering, in the air within this huge gaping cave.

The human race has here just begun it’s serious cloning researching (which meant that the human race had almost been wiped out at one time or another and then had to “grow” back into the state we are now). The “camera”, or my point of view pans over some rocks (that I see through) containging women. These smaller rocks (womb chambers) are within the huge cylindrical ones. The women are asleep, like in coma, and they are all lying in fetus position while floating in some green fluid. You see bodily fluids, feces and whatnot, flowing out of them, systematically down rubber pipes or tubes. Through all this I am guided by a voice, a narrator or a guide - telling me about how this happened so long ago, and giving me information about it.

It’s like the inside of a game, it doesn’t really feel real, but it is absolutely horrible.

“They” present to me a challenge, I get to play some kind of game in the world they just presented to me. I’m there now, hoovering or flying by the side of one of the huge cylinders. I can see the ground far below me, there are three men running around there. I, and they, have rocket launchers that can guide their missiles with a laser (just like in Half Life 2, if you’ve played that). They were shooting at me, but I didn’t get hit. I killed all of them, first one with one rocket - and then the two others by shooting a large missile that blew up and took them in the explosion.

I think I’m in still in the ancient world. Since I’ve been doing so well, I get to choose to join one of two clubs. The first club is a “Macintosh Hacker” club that has to do with people a lot, a very emotional club. The other one is a “Windows Hacker” club, which is just a hacker club. I suspected that pasQuale was in the Mac club, and thought that it’d be interesting to be there - but since I’m more of a hacker person than an emotionally aligned person - I joined the Windows hacker club. After making the choice, the dream probably showed the real world again.

I’m now watching through a floating camera or something, hoovering inside a sci-fi like office environment. The cieling is rather high, and the walls are just high, black, computer terminals. It turns out that there are a lot of Windows Hackers such as me. They’re all sitting here, everybody has the same thing on their monitors. It’s a star chart, all of them zoom in and out on galaxies - look at some text in the bottom left corner of their screens and zoom to new ones. They’re all looking for something.

I think this is “now”, the real time that we’re living in - that is. And they’re looking for the remnants, cloning chambers, of the ancient humans. Each person searches about one galaxy a second. I am to search just like all of the others do - like a drone, a slave to this organization that has put me here. We’re all living with death breathing down our necks, if we don’t do as the “organization” wants, we die. There is no escaping it. We’re not allowed to live with normal humans.

I am now walking just over a short tunnel by a school I attended three years ago. In the dream, I think I’ve been working for that organization for a couple of years now - and I’ve had enough of this now worthless life in entrapment. I see an woman walking a bit down, closer to the school. I walk up to her and start spilling information. I use analogies to light and darkness, shadows and such. I didn’t remember them at awakening, but in my dream they were perfect.

She tells me she can’t relate to my story, not understand it, because she is blind. Now I’m standing a few meters away from her again, above the tunnel. Maybe I’m leaving again after my futile attempt at revealing this secret organization. A man comes walking with his dog under the tunnel, and he releases the dog which immediately attacks the woman. The dog is some kind of mutant, also partly inspired from the game Half Life 2. It tries to grip her between it’s front legs - which have teeth on the inside. I pull a gun and shoot the dog, twice or thrice. It dies, and the dream ends.[/ND]

[com]Like I said, this was an extremely involving dream - and it was probably so powerfull because of several reasons. Increased vividness thanks to some supposed brainwave stimulators in the .mp3 (placebo or non-placebo - it worked), and because it had a very real foundation in reality (my newly aquired leader position).

Also, I want to point out that he guide who talked to me while I watched the ancient “hatching chambers” was in sync with the voice on the .mp3 - and so was my speech to the woman by my old school.[/com]

Great. I wish my dreams had some sense. But sadly only you will know the feeling that dream gave you. Can you please describe this feeling a little better? Like, comparing the emotion to other emotions. You made me so curious…

Before I knew of the research that the “organization” conducted it was mostly a feeling of interest, learning something new and with that (for me) a feeling of exitement always follows. At the same time there was an underlying “bad” feeling. Almost like going with a scary amusement park ride for the first time when you were young, but a milder feeling of joy and a stronger feeling of anxiety. I don’t know how to describe it, really. A feeling of underlying, lurking, fear - perhaps.

As opposed to what one might think, the feeling after being forced into endless service to them was not that of utmost terror, but rather of constant anxiety and apathy. You weren’t a normal person any more, just an advanced machine knowing that there once was something better, some reason to live. When the unknown amount of time had passed and I no longer cared for my life, it was more important to let people know of this atrocity than to live after that night. (something I did forget to mention, the scene by my old school happened during night)

To sum it up, I’d say it was extremely interesting to “experience” how it felt to have lost all hope, yet still be a human and care about how others would live their lives after mine. I’m not going to get all philosophical about this, so I’ll leave it at that.

Feel free to discuss and ask questions if I’ve been unclear on something.

No, this wasn’t at all disappointing - it was very interesting to read! About the feelings, I think that’s perfectly normal for most people. Some people get fairly emotionless dreams, but usually they’re emotional. At least they are for me. The feeling of anxiety is particular makes sense - on some level, you’re aware that something bad is about to happen. I usually get that but don’t stress over it because I know it’s all leading towards a happy ending. :content:

As for the dream itself, if you hadn’t mentioned the MP3, I would swear you’ve been watching The Matrix recently. Especially with that scene about the clones in their compartments. Plus all the hacker references and the evil organisation just screams to me of The Matrix.

Same here :razz: But that’s cool. A very interesting dream. I think there might be some meaning behind it. To the whole world I mean.

Wow! Very interesting dream, and very well described. I think the feeling does come out of your description very strongly. I have also had very vivid and detailed dreams that seem to have a special feeling of significance attached to them, that is different from the usual collage of everyday neuroses and obsessions that form most of my dreams. I find this kind of significant dream very satisfying, whether it is lucid, non-lucid, pleasant or unpleasant.

I agree. Even though this dream had a dark aura, it was a very rewarding experience.

About the Matrix thing: I’m very much a geek, and dreaming about computers and so wouldn’t be that strange - even though I don’t normaly dream about them. I hadn’t watched or thought about Matrix at all during that time.
It does, however, happen rather often that I dream of things I haven’t thought about in very long. One example would be a childhood story I liked, Ronja Rövardotter.

ot - i loved ronja :happy: