for those of the few us here in forum that have constant ld all night- like, have ld, then wait out non rem period in mind, then wait for next ld, all night long, I just want know - how many year of practice it take to be so good?
I know at least 2 member here (I forget which one) have this ability. ^.^
thank you much.
Im not sure if its the question of practice.Partly it is but ive noticed that those ppl usually just have them without trying-then some techs come and the amount of lds increase but a base would be their natural talent.
Im not sure if its possibile to “train” that to that level without having some kind of “gift”.
That not fair! Not fair I tell you! I was all work up to train and train until I couldn’t do more to reach that level. >.< nO! I will prove you wrong! I don’t have to beleive if I cover ears and sing lalalalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalalalalaallaalallaalla.
It is possible with intense training, but having some gift(s) would be helpful like Jack mentioned.
Meditating is the key of intense training for mental control. You can try doing that. It’ll greatly improve your mental control and in overall. I do that void re-enter technique all the time. It’s just that you have to maintain your consciousness no matter how boring it is because once you’re in void, it can get very boring easily. Patience is also essential in this. Patience is virtue.
When your dream ends, do not move at all! Go with the flow. If you’re lucky and you know how to deepen your trance, you’ll end up re-entering your LD’s.
I hope this will be helpful to you. Good luck on your journey!
Thats not exactly what i meant.Its all trainable…but for some it takes enormous persistency to have them everyday while other can do it with minimal set of methods.Everyone have different “base”
Sorry,i didnt mean to be discouraging:)
Round-the-clock lucidity is possible, Trung of Wu, for anyone. Patience and dedication is required - some people will advance quicker than others, it’s an individual thing and nobody can tell you what your path to your goal will be like or how long it will take. The thing is, most people don’t have that kind of lucidity as a serious goal, so they never get there.
^.^ ah thank you. Sage, I take back. You is nice. ^.^
DM7, indeed does grace us with casual Ld, but I’m sure practice made possible. ^.^
I understand Now jack.
This IS serious goal for me. I do not know how to meditate, and I (in own view) have short attention sp---- 0_o oooh! Shiney!
Excuse please. ummm… I try wild again last night and that go very very far. I know I have no gift except for smart (don’t sound like huh?, but making very good grade and people tell me I make feel stupid quite often), but determination is plus for me. Patience however is not too strong point, but I will reap what sewn. ^.^
Anyways, Trung… don’t forget to NOT try too hard or otherwise you’ll end up trying harder and harder and never succeed. Take the “hardcore” training as you call it slowly and one at a time. Don’t start meditating for 1 hour everyday all of a sudden. Your body and your mind aren’t used to it. Alright? Am I making senses here?
Meditating would indeed help you with your short attention span. Just remember to take it slowly and one tiny small a time.
Heh…i want that and i cant even break the barrier of the first LD yet…all night…ooh wonderful the things i could do in a 3-7 hour period. Actually depending on when you start and other circumstances but jeez think about it 3 hours is an awful long time :o
Trung, I’d love to partake in this training… It seems difficult, but challenges are nice However, I’m not exactly the best at inducing lucid dreams yet… So while I’ll try to do this when I do have lucid dreams, it won’t be very often
I’m not sure what to do as far as learning to do this, but how about in one years time we bring up this “training” for all night ld? By that time, we should all be good enough to have them frequent no? ^.^
A year from now doesn’t exist, there is only “now”. Besides, I think the training would be one of the best way to improve LD induction. Have you looked at the (sticky) Lucid Living thread? That’s probably the place to start as far as how to bring about the desired state of consciousness. What do you think?
Sage, if you try to hit a goal before it comes, than you are obviously going to get closer to success. Im in, If I can break the barrier ANY Time soon.