It was last night. After 20 days of keeping my dream diary and
after just one day of doing reality tests. Usually my dreams are about
every day activities, meeting friends, riding a bus etc. It is not
easy to notice any dreamsigns in them. This time it was different.
This dream was very weird.
I was listening to some story about a dragon and knights. Then I
was in this dream myself. I was a dragon:-) I knew what was going to
happen because I had heard this story just a moment before everything
was happening. I remember words “The dragon killed knights so he had
to escape from people”. I was in front of some building in which I saw
the men sitting at the table. I thought that I had to hide at the
roof. I flied on the roof…
This whole situation was very strange but I didn’t do any reality
check, maybe drangons just don’t know what reality test is:-).
…But when I was on this roof I was suddenly enlightened. I just knew
that it is a dream. This feeling was amazing… inexpressible
After I got lucid I went to the edge of the roof. The building
was about 8-10 meters high…
I forgot to add that I wasn’t dragon any more
… I thought that I will jump down form the roof. I knew that it was a
dream but it was about jumping from the high building! It wasn’t so
simple as it sounds.
I knew that nothing would happen to me but if you do bungee
jumping you also know that. I think it is very similar, and emotions
accompanying it are also comparable. I didn’t know if I was going to
fly after jumping down of not. I thought that if I hit the ground I
will probably wake up.
So I jumped. I was falling down quite fast but landing was just
like if I was jumping from about 1,5 meter. I didn’t lost my lucidity,
I did some spining after landing in order to remain asleep. I was at
some kind of square, there was a lot of people. I wanted to test my
abilities. I tried to run with an enormous speed just to check what I
can do. Unfortunatelly very strong wind was reducing my speed. What an
ingenious subconsciousness.
I did’t have any problems with flying though. I was just a little
afraid of flying to high.
I can recall many more details from this dream but I don’t want
this letter to be to long because no one will even start reading it:-)
My first one happened in the summer when I was going into ninth grade. (I’m a senior now.) I had been trying for a month before I had one. I was in my room doing something with my tape player. It was dark. I looked at the clock once and it said some time. Then I looked at it again (not doing a reality check, just looking) and it had changed. I said, “I’m dreaming,” almost incredulous because it looked so real. I tried to turn on the light, but it didn’t work. I tried to will the light to turn on, and it changed only a tiny bit. I tried to get my friends to appear, but it didn’t work. Then I saw my cat jump out the window and ride down, as if on an invisible slide, into the backyard. I jumped out the window too, and I went down the same way. Then I had a false awakening and told my mom about the dream.
Wait, I lied, that was my first lucid dream after I knew about lucid dreaming. My first actual LD was when I was a little kid and I had a typical nightmare with someone chasing me, but all I wanted to do was wake up, but I couldn’t, I was like opening my mouth and moving my hands and stuff, and eventually I opened my eyes which is what I’d been meaning to do.
well congrats, it must have been a nice experience
I haven’t had an LD yet but the closest one was me saying “I’m dreaming” twice, but It was one of those half-asleep things so nothing happened. The good part is that I remembered that.
Now that you’ve had an LD you should be able to have more with less effort, right?
Same w/ me. As a little kid i’d get nightmares, know i’m dreaming, but not think to kill the monsters or w/e, so i tryed 2 open my eyes and i did (my real body)
yeah i’m a natural LD’er aswell, or when i was a kid atleast, now i have to actually put effort into it,
when i was a kid i would have a dream where i was looking at a dark doorway, absoltley pitch black, i’d know that i’m in a dream, and i knew that if i went though that door something bad would happen, and i knew that there was no other way out, so i’d just try to wake myself up from inside the dream, and it worked, and now whenever i am lucid i am wake up any time i want.
as for my first lucid dream, i cant really remeber but the first one i could remeber would of happened when i was in primary school (about 6-8 years old) because the dream itself took place in my primary school. anyway for some reason i realized it was a dream, so i took off all my clothes and ran around the school and into the girls toilets, scaring all the girls, i did this becaause it was fun and i knew it woldnt have any affect in the real world (and that no-body would find out) ooops :o
My first LD was a year ago or so. I was reading some signs or something, realized they made no sense and bcame lucid. Everything became sharp and vivid and I experinced this immense rush of energy spread out from my solar plexus. It was such an explosive feeling that I woke up.