Animal Clan

Rodrigo, I can’t remember the pictures on the other people’s shirts, I only remember they were different animals :smile:

Had an LD some days ago, and where going to summon you guys.
But the first one I tried summoning (Karuni) failed and I gave up :grin:

…I found big sign that said “Dog Show [somting] [somting]” though. :neutral:

I had some slight HI going to sleep last night and saw some indistinct birds.

Pretty much it, Hope I get something less up to interpretation :tongue: (Interpretation of phosphines forming shapes in my half-asleep mind that is)

Ooooo i dreamt that a pineapple fish - well two of them actualy - offered me a cookie which tasted like apple But it was just an ND… Almost had a LD but the alarm went off

Had an dragon LD while I fell asleep at school, had no real relation with Animal Clan though. :neutral:

EDIT: Oh and I think I found my Spirit Guide. :content:

A dragon playing Games, didn’t he crush the conroler or was he a small dragon, that would be a cool spirt guide. If Only I could LD good enough to find mine.

I finaly had a LD! :grin:
I was in my house, about to eat and i thought it would be cool to transform my knife into water. Then of course it hit me that this cant possibly be RL, so i did a RC just to make sure and there you go, im lucid :tongue: ! I continued to experiment with waterbending (made my spoon, fork and half ofthe table become water :eek: ) and i remembered the animal clan. So i summoned the pineapple fish which, oddly enough, could fly :grin: . I asked it if im having a LD (just out of curiosity :razz: ) so it said “isnt that obvious? it was about time id say”. :tongue:
The dumbledore ( :eh: ) appeared out of nowhere and asked me to follow him. So i decided to go with the dream and see where it takes me… As i found out Dumbledore has a magic sleigh ( :eek: ) draged by threstals (those bony black horses with creepy wings). I got to meet liam_sw (well his DC anyway) and then we flew off to wissam’s house. He opened the door and looked at us with a :eh: look so we told him who we were. “OH MY GOD!! YOU’RE SD! AND YOU’RE LIAM!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” :woo:
Hehe… we started talking about LDing and playing with wissams cats (he had 5 baby kittens :yes: ) while experimenting with super powers and the pineapple fish (which - as i found later on - could create pineapples out of water :lol: ). Then i tried playing the piano to see what it’s like but everything kept changing place so it was impossible :tongue: .
I cant remember that well what happened after that, i think i either had a FA or woke up but the LD was quite long. Yaaay my first proper LD in so long :content: .
SD gives pineapples - which were given to her by pineapple fish - to everyone :cool:
:nuu: :ebil:

Well done SD :grin: .

You even met a pineapple fish :tongue: .

Heheheh very nice LD :smile: Add it to your LD counter in your profile :smile:

Rodrigo has 25 and counting :smile:

Next time, let’s try asking more clan-wise information

Nice job S_D !
And like rodrigo said, next time try to talk more about the AC, + other related stuff :razz:
Still though… NICE!

You should tell Q about that, we made some prgress :smile:

Nice Job S_D! pretty lucky there

accepts the pineapple and throws it at his head to get him an LD

Congrats, S_D! :smile:

Yesterday morning I had 2 LD’s!! :grin: I used WBTB and went to sleep in the living room instead of my bed when I woke up. I told myself I’d recognize I’m dreaming (like MILD? without visual) After I woke up from the first LD about an hour and a half later, I went back to my room and fell asleep again to have the 2nd.

I wasn’t 100% lucid, I think in both although I actually had some control! I forgot about the AC except for one part where I was running on all fours and trying to turn into a dog. My legs felt different, but then I stopped running. At the end of both before I woke up there was a wolf and I petted it, but that’s Rodrigo’s department. Maybe it could’ve been a spirit guide? I didn’t summon it.

I did get to have some cool powers like making green fire, money, and a sportscar appear out of nowhere. I tried flying, but I could only hover above the ground barely while flapping my arms. I did do a backstroke in the air and collided into some people because I didn’t look where I was going. XD I was only maybe 3 or 4 feet off the ground.

Although I did have good recall (for me) on the 6th and the 9th… and on the 9th it contained animals, I were not close to lucidity. But on the 12th (I’m starting to see a pattern o.o) I woke straight up from a dream, right at the moment when I said to myself “this is a dream, metal plates don’t bleed” (I’m typing it up now… You can read it in a few minutes in my DJ) I felt the dream fade and I were like, “This is a dream, I want to stay asleep, this is a damn dream! I could turn myself into an animal or something” I woke up and I actually were a bit frustrated…

Who are you ?

nice job karuni,
I WILD ed the other day, i’ll just make keep it short, i had a dream where rodrigo (as a wolf) came up to me and said something about the animal clan like " when are we getting that animal badge" and i said " im not sure" and then i woke up lol i never realised

Just a falcon flying here and there!I just stopped by after some time!
MOuRning Soul oF
A LudiCrOus Number

Maybe we should keep an complete member list in the first post?


  1. ouvres tes yeux, Barn Owl
  2. Hamedo, Siberian White Tiger
  3. kT4all, Fox
  4. Rodrigo, Wolf
  5. painocus, Dragon
  6. HebrewB, Penguin
  7. Karuni, Siberian Husky
  8. Slinking_Ferret, Ferret
  9. hk-50, Raven
  10. Seishi , Snake
  11. liam_sw, White Lion
  12. Queen SD, Pineapple Fish
  13. Aikho, Grizzly Bear
  14. phantom_lover_4ever, Llama
    –. Chessdude?
    –. Dawn’sDeath?

That sounds like a good idea. And if they come back and they wondered what happened they can just re-join only if they can stay active.

Okay here goes… :grin:
Last night i dreamt that i was in some weird place which looked like a castle but i knew was my school :yes: . Our teacher had us writing all over the boar “i will have a LD tonight” x100 times (i have no idea how it fit there it just did) and at the beginning i had completely ignored the dream sign, UNTILL… the pineapple fish appeared (yes it could fly as usual) and asked me “are you missing something?” so i looked at the board, then at the fish and realised im dreaming (did a RC to make sure as well) :content: . I thought about the animal clan and asked the fish what we should do but the only things i remember is “you must find the lost warrior… some text missing… the cookies” - dont ask, i have weird dreams :razz: . Oooo and then i also rememberd the 6th LD task and tried slowing down the fish but instead i ended up speeding it up and having the whole class jump around in circles singing in that high voice you get when you fast farward a song :lol: . That was fun! :grin:
So that’s about it for now… :nuu: :ebil:

Nice Job SD!! Tell Q, that we have made some progress… or should I?

And karuni… Of course we’re using your badge! :smile:

Anyways, i guess I’ll tell Q :razz: :content:

Hehe animal clan actualy does help with LDs - now everytime i see a fish i do a RC :lol: