Luminous, you are right. You made me remember childhood dreams in which I became a little bit lucid. I just knew I dreamt for a moment, changed it, and then lost that knowledge again. I even killed myself once in a dream to go into another one
So that (fear/nightmare) is indeed also a trigger. So the awareness behind a dream is out there always,… hiding until it becomes too scary. Then suddenly we become able to understand that its just a dream. Mmm… thats interesting.
But, I almost never have scary dreams now so that is not going to work for me hopes that the scary ones will stay away
Yes! That is what I mean. You really get my point.
I was thinking that being awake and aware during the day, might also lead to lucid dreams. Its almost the same as what we talked about already. Because being really restfull and happy, is often such a state. Its like just sitting and looking around with open eyes ‘seeing’ everything. Really ‘seeing’ it, hearing it, feeling it. Just being really present in whatever situation you are in. If a person does that in a dream as well (because he/she is used to doing it in the awake life), will it cause a lucid dream?
Will it make the person able to ‘really’ look around and ‘see’ what is going on? That would make a person recognize dreamsignals right? Just being quietly alert, something like that.
How is that for others that had lucid dreams?