I had another friggin lucid dream. it was pretty damn epic. you can look at it in my dream journal as my most recent entry (9/18). well i want to know if i can deild after waking up from the dream. i remember waking up and trying to deild but it didnt work. was it because my Rem cycle was over, or was it because i moved my leg? or both. i had a dild btw.
If you moved your leg, that probably messed with the DEILD. That technique is pretty reliant on you not moving so you fall asleep and into a dream quickly. In the future, you can try to do a WILD if you move since it’s basically the same thing, it just may last a little longer.
Quick question, how do you keep what things can you do to keep consciousness. like the only problem with WILD for me is that I can only get to the Hypnogicic Imagery and nothing past it.No SP, and I always end up loosing consciousness.