sorry i have so many questions…i’m new…i’m curios. but when in a lucid dream, how do you…do things for lack of a better term? like say i wanted my friend to appear or something, would i just like…think about him appearing in front of me or say something about it or what? i’m kinda confused here.
I have not had many lucid dreams but in one i wished to hang out with my friend dave. The technique i used was just thinking to my self when i turn around dave will be there, you really have to convince your self that what ever u are wishing for will be there like theres no other way that what ever your wishing for isnt there. But after i thought this i turned around and he was there.
I’m so glad you wanted to hang out with me
There are many ways of doing things in LDs. Obviously the easiest ones are making them appear behind you, or behind a door. Its easier to conceive then someone materializing out of thin air. Unless you see that often where you live.
Its a mind over matter kinda situation. Except there is no matter, its all just mind. . . .
I’ll keep that in mind, thanks guys
Bradcook you have to experience it for yourself…its like flying…first you have to create the will power to want something done…then you start associate or suggest that you fly
Having something done in your lucid dreams is not done rationally but pure association. If you are experienced with it it all goes on automatic pilot lol. (its the right hemisphere that controls dream associations)
Sound good to me. i’ve only been doing this two nights and this morning i wrote a full page front and back and the full front of another page on one of the two dreams i remembered. i hope that means i’m getting somewhere…