Any natural lucid dreamers here?

My brother is a natural LDer as in he does it without trying.

I believe I defined Natural Lucid Dreamer in my first post… so if you’re asking what I mean by that…refer to the first page.

ive just recently learned of lucid dreams, but before that, i remember having a few earlier in my life. after looking into the topic for a while, ive had quite a few LDs, in fact, i had one just last night. does anyone know generally how long it takes to be good enough at LDing as to have them every night? i cant wait until then…

Unfortunately it may never happen… that’s how it goes with LD’s…

but you may have more luck than others.

took me around 5 years…

I’ve had them for as long as I can remember. But since learning what they were and sometimes using techniques, I’ve been getting them a lot more.

Oh… suuuuuuuure i’m a natrural lucid dreamer (just remove the “lucid” :tongue: )!!
Hmmm… i might not have had lucid dreams when i was little but i could always controll what i was going to dream of… Actualy i remember having two LDs some years ago but that’s about it. :grin:

I am a natural dreamer, and dream recaler. Dreams have always happend to me and I can remeber them. This is in my wiew a good/lucky start. I have a good friend witch tells me that he almost never dreams… Atleast he don’t remeber it. He told me when he had moved he’s bed into a nother room that he had dreamt some. I dream almost every night, but somtimes I can’t remeber it. This is because I aint up for it. To tired or drunk etc. The first step in becomming a profetional dreamer is to always remeber your dreams. I have always bean ok at that. I guess this goes to gether with beaing interested in dreams and super natural things, but more importent, not to hung up on anny thing els! One of my teories about my almost never dreaming friend is that he has to much facts in he’s head, he is almost like rayman when it comes to remeber things. Since I have known him all my life I never have neaded to remember anny thing, he he.

As for lucidnes, I have bean aware of being in a dream manny times before. But as Moogle says, it was first when I knew some facts arond Lucid dreaming that I actually became avare of my avareness. I read trough all the LD4ALL turtorials and had my first really strong lucid dream the same night, I was automaticly shouting for more lucidness, and I was more prepeard for some of the sensatious feelings that went trough me when I was howering on my back trough a window. So I suport what I think Moogol said over here, knowlege and practice helps getting better. I also had a OOBE when I was about 17 years, witch was somthing I will never forgett, I remember being paralyzed when I woke up, when I finaly could speak, I woke up my girlfriend because I was so afraid and neaded comfort. It is stuff like this that makes you curious and in my mind, curiousety helps. But it is the same as the disscussion about the chicken or the egg, what was first? Where you born a natural dreamer, or where everybody born curious? And somboddy choose to focus most of that curiousety on dreams? I feel like I have bean much to curios on a lot of mumbel jumbel as Zappa would say, trough my youth. I don’t regretting trying once, but since I felt like I was a natural born uber mench, I tryed it untill there was no more juice left, no more interesting, no more fun, no more energi… I am trying to tell a story here witch is way out of subject. What I am aiming at is that this period of my life, I remember really badly! I have probably sean the structure of all life forms a couple of times, but the only thing I can remeber from it was that it was unique and that I cant remember it… So I tryed again and some more to sea if I gott better on remembering, but it was not the same, it was like meating my self in the door, meating my own curiousety for somthing that is just me, witch is not fun! Well I also think I found out by experimenting on my self that the brain you dream with is the same as the one you do RL with, because if you kill your memory, you also cant dream. My friend who has a superb memory, but don’t dream. Drugs he’s mind with information about movies, football and war history. Ihave some hobbies to, I collect toy cars, and when I dream about that, I mostly don’t remeber it to well. But if I do, it is mostly about collecting/finding lifeless stuff and then protect it, amost with my life…

Sorry for this long post, I will try to close it with some constructive input. As you wrote, you where sure you can do everything in your dreams, if someone could think of somthing that you could not do, you would try it! Great! First thing that flyed into my head is Sepaku, or Samuraian Suicide:-) But that should be no big problem. Do you have anny phobias in RL? Try that! I am sure that you can learn a lot from working with this in your dreams. I hate heights, and I can’t walk on narow walls in my dreams yet! Witch is kind of insane because I can fly, shape stuff and breathe under water, so it should be absolutly no limit as you are saying. Last thought, try write stuff in your hand while you are dreaming:-) Or how about “Around the world in eighty days” with weight on the eighty days, there should be large enough task, he he.



do you really mean 100% impossible and not just highly unlikely? and if so why?

well let’s say 99% impossible :tongue:
just think how many dreams we experience every night … to know you are dreaming in every single dream from near the beginning of the dreams?
giving no regard to general tiredness, health etc

But there is always that 1% :smile:

Samurian Suicide? I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar with that term…

Explain it and I’ll give it a shot…

I have a fear of heights in real life, but that’s only because I believe I will fall off… in a LD this isn’t really a factor, because I usually try to fall off the ledge and fly towards the ground… and then land softly…

I’m deathly clostrophobic in RL, I hate not being able to move… not something I think I would enjoy in an LD really lol.

But I’d be open to try anything in my next LD if you guys want me to see if it’s possible.

If you want to try the impossible you have to try stuff you don’t like. I have a great claustrophobic setting for you. It came to me when I was disscusing stupid reality tv shows with a friend. “The elivator” should be on board on a boat witch is going ito ruff sea. My original idea was to load it with cameras and stupid media loving people and stopp it between floors and the last one who still want to be in there, wins the price money.

In a dream you could be in this with maybe a small chest or somthing, and you can have a helper witch lock you down in that chest. If you really are claustropobic my guess is that you will chose to wake up or atleast forgett that you can controll your dream?

And I wonder if anny one have tried written or drawn anny thing while they are dreaming? As I said earlyer, try write on your self and sea if it is there when you wake up.

Sepaku, witch I am not sure if I spell right, was a action preformed by the Samurai who have lost in battle or in some way can loose his honor. He is stabbing he’s sword into he’s stomach to die instead of loose he’s honour.

I’ve always had ld’s too.
I didn’t think I did, but when I tried MILD, WILD, ETC. I realised I’ve always had them. Just recently from pourposely [sp?] trying to get one I’ve realised what excatly I can do.
I want to know what a Normal Dream is like.
I’ve already have done what some people can’t try, and I have LD’S everynight…
anyway, I mainly registered to reply to you.

Hehe, claustrophobe here too, worst nightmare I remember:

I was in some sorta winter prison together with a girl I knew, ofcourse we had to escape so we started spooning ourselves a very narrow, badly lit ice tunnel.
We’re crawling through when suddenly the roof in front and behind me collapses… and I’m just sitting there in fetus position hoping a death of hypothermia will be as painless as possible.

i’m a natural, the first LD i remember was when I was 7, but I had them infrequently until i discovered they had a name this summer, whenever i study about LDs a lot I have them now :tongue: