Any Naturals here?

Hi all! I was a bit on the last forum and played around a bit,
Im back after a while of lack of time to visit the web. And I
just want to know if there are any people that have had
LDs all their lifes? :smile:

I have spontaneous LDs since i was a little child,used to wake me up from nightmares.I had some tricks to do this,but it took its time,so i always tryed to hide for a few moments so i could do it.When running away i was unable to wake me up.
Unfortunately i forgot about it,and for some years (6 perhaps?) i didn´t remember my dreams very often.
When i was 14 or 15 i got interested in super-natural stuff,and i read through an OBE forum.LDs were also a topic there,and i remembered my dreams.
I set a post in the OBE Forum,talking about how i used to wake me up when i had nightmares.The very next night i had a nightmare,got lucid and woke me up.
I was lying in my bed: “Cooool,i had a lucid dream… damn,why didn´t stay there some time???”
From that point i searched the net for Infos on LDing,and the next LD was the first one i was really aware of.
I have had perhaps 10 LDs since then,but i can´t tell how many i had as a child.The LDs i have now and the LDs i had in those times are different.Now i have more control,less fear,i am “more lucid”.As a child i was more involved in the dreamworld,it was more real and stable.
Now i am here,cause there aren´t any german active forums,and this one is really good

Ok,enough from me,good night

Im just going to tell you a bit about my self.
I remember a lot of LDs from when i was a child, Maby as young as around 9. I havent lost its since then, Nowdays my dreamworld is
stabile and I still enjoy the LDs i have. Nowdays though i can have
about 4 lucids a night, If i dont stress through the day. Stress realy
kills LDs i have noticed. :sad:
Ive Had the Dreams all my life, But i stumbled about this page one day
and got realy interrested that people realy have problem with it. You
must understand, This is something natural for me. :smile:. But i can still
have irritating problems sometimes. But its when i am irritated and
stressed, and sutch. The main focus to keep when having a LD is
to keep calm.
I am still interrested in other stuff, relating to LD, And other peoples
thoughts about it. So thats why i decided to Show up here again :smile:

One more thing, Anyone else see the static? I only met about 3 people
who say they can, And i dont know if i can trust them. (if you dont know
what im talking about, the answer is “no”) :smile:

Have a nice day to you all, Im going to bed. :wink:

What are you talking about? g

Now i am really curious,so please tell me (if you can)


If your talking about vision blurry-ishness, like a black lava lamp, I get that some times.

I’ve been having LD’s for as long as I can remember. I used to have around 1 a month, but now that I use techniques and methods to increase how many I have, I’m down to about 4 a week.

Somepeople do call it blurry-issness, Other static. But all the people that have it, What i have hear, is freaquent LDs. Me and one who have it allso have had some ideas on what it can be. And Ive looked in some books and it could be a overactive frontal lobe. But i am not sure.

The static, Or the blyrry-issness. Appear when looked at something, Some people need to focus but others dont need to. I found it realy appearing when i look at the sky, There its realy easy to spot it. Ive got my eyes checked noumerous times, So have others who see this. So its nothing wrong with our eyes. if anyone wonderd. :wink:

I have to remember that. Maybe a brand new LD-tip.

I am not natraul. if you call have your first ld after 2 days of coming here then i am a natrual then i am.

rush a natural is when you had had lds b4 reading about them u are not 1

Hmm,i don´t know if i get those english words right: “blurry issness”?

When i look at the sky (relaxed) after some time i see little lights flying around… (not cause i have gone blind from the sun,that´s something different)

When i look at my ceiling after some time it starts floating,there are maelstroms… then sparklings…
(not cause my eyes get dry,i just look normal at my ceiling…)

Can´t describe it really,but i don´t see a connection to lds…

I know someone who told me somethign similiar happened while he was on mushrooms…


When I look at the sky I sometimes see little white dots flying around and colliding with each other everywhere. This only happens on a very clear bright blue day though. I have never seen my roof float except when I used to take acid in my twentys. I am not a natural lucid dreamer and only have about one a month. I dont know if this is similar to what you see or not.

The thing at the sky sounds like the thing i see,yes.But i can also see it in front of clouds or something.
But never in my room… or should i say,in my room it looks different (smaller dots,flying at higher speed in one direction…)


I remeber when I was younger I had a few LD’s. And then the night after I read this website I have at least 4. and that was less than two weeks ago. although I just joined this forum. But I have always remembered 90% of my dreams. And from what I’ve been told by others my dreams have plots and specific lines of action, which is not the norm.


Yes, Sparks, and when there are meny sparks i call it static. Due to the simulatiry to tv static.
Hmm, i wonder what it is.
I see it everywhere, in my room, outside and when i close my eyes. But it not that its bothering me in my vision, its just there.

And as i said. It could be a sign on a over active frontal lobes. And Thats where the “dreamcenter” is, the hippocampus or something. That controles memories, vision and other stuff.

I also see those sparks sometimes.
They are black/silver coloured.

But I don’t think it has anything to do with LDing…

I used to have them as a child, and after i came to this site about a year ago.

Its cool to hear that so meny is seeing them. :smile:

But why dont it have something to do with LDing? It maby havent anything with the ACTUAL LD but maby a awakend mind? Who knows.
If you ask a doctor they would maby just say, “Your crazy” Thats what they normally say about anything. Not that i have asked a doctor anything. grin

Yeah, I get those sparks outside when looking at the sky, but I don’t seem to be a natural ld-er. I do have a lot of very vivid dreams, though.

It is interesting that stress kills lds - perhaps that is why I have so little luck with my attempts so far. I live a very stressed life (working mum and all that :neutral: ), so maybe if I learn to relax a little…

oh that! I get that. I thought you meant specificaly in lucid dreams/

Its like black and silver, very high definition TV static. I think its something like small bubbles in the liquid covering your eye or something. I was once told what it is, but I can’t remember.

actually those lights you see are really dead bacteria in a liquid section in your eye but you see them outside your eye because the light rays pass through them and then onto the retina (at the back of the eye), which is where light focuses.- i just learnt this in physics a few days ago (studying light).

I had always saw them but never knew what they were-also thought that they were ontop of the eye… but they aren’t.

Cracker-is this what you were told?