any particular author...

is there any particular author with some really surreal type material ( i like expirimental fiction.) or a particular genre that you have found to help you achieve a ld. i haven’t had one in a while but last night i had a dream where i was smashing up a circle k with a mace to make room for the little people…anyway if you know of a particualr ld inspiring book besides those that discuss lds then i’d be much obliged.

fiction-wise, try “Carlos Castaneda”
Not specifically LD related, but some very good reads in this type of genre. “The Teachings of Don Juan” is one of his most famous works, try it.

thanks i most certianly will

Hm now i remember the works of Kafka are also very much dreamlike, if you read one of his books and imagin yourself in it you would have to do a RC all the time because its so weird… personally i read “Das Proces” in dutch version :happy:. Btw even a literary trem comes from it when a situation looks somewhat strange they call it “kafkesque” lol.

Stephen LaBerge did a lot of research on LDs a while back and has written many books too. If I’m not mistaken, he was the pioneer of the MILD technique for LD induction. :grin: