Is there any REAL shortcuts to lucidity are most of them just made up.
For example is there any methods that work better than others or drinks that help to gain the lucid state. I have heard of things like milk and chocolate. Do they work ? How do they work ?
Someone please tell me and other people methods that will help you to have Lucid Dreams, and other things like drinks and food that will also help you gain the Lucid State.
The effectiveness of a method depends from person to person. So I can only tell you which method works best for me.
Really great foods/drinks/drugs for LDing: vitamin B6 (!!!), mint tea (!!) and cheese (!). Salvia Divinorum and Calea Z should help too but I’ve no experience with them.
Try some methods and find out which one of them works best in for you. However, two things are absolutely necessary if you want to obtain the maximum results out of these methods: you MUST have a strong intention of getting LDs and you MUST have patience: don’t overdo your training; the reward will be much much better if you steadily grow within your LD practice instead of really overload your brain every day with hard obsessive training and so…
Good luck!
The effectivness of those shortcuts can depend on your mindset.
If your the kind of guy that thinks, “Hey, maybe this chocolate milk can help me have lucid dreams,” it may just do that.
On the other hand, if you think, “Chocolate milk, Humbug! Thats just a drink, how can that help?!” then in propbably wont help.
I guess what I mean is, no matter what shortcut your trying, keep a positive outlook, and it’ll probably work better than it would otherwise.
A lot of the stuff mentioned here does help, but unfortunately there’s no magical technique/drink/pill/drug/software that will give you LDs without effort. In my opinion WBTB+MILD is the fastest method but I wouldn’t call it a “shortcut”: it still takes a lot of discipline (reorganizing your sleep schedule, getting out of bed while you feel tired,…).
Yeah, was Josh said ties in with the placebo effect. I haven’t found any “shortcuts” too helpful. I’ve had LDs from reading about lucidity before sleeping, and just from reminding myself gently a few times that I’m going to have a lucid dream, and when I become lucid I’ll rub my hands, and then fly (or whatever other dream activity I’d like to do).
The technique is developped by Robert Bruce, but it’s based upon ancient taoist exercises to circulate energy inside your body. LDing is only a side-effect of the practice, but it works remarkably well.
Basically it’s about shifting your point of awareness through every body part, so that your ch’i-energy is activated. If you feel the energy, you can let the energy circulate, in harmony with your breathing: when you inhale, let energy flowing through your feet, up to the legs, the back, right to the top of your head. When you exhale, move down the energy through your spine, and direct it into the main energy store center of the body, which is found right below the belly-button. You can also use this to stimulate the chakras.
It can take some practice before you feel any energy flowing, but in time it will become almost automatically. The technique can make your dreams more vivid and will give you more LDs.
Here’s a good link:
I agree that the placebo effect can play a major role whether or not some shortcut works. But when you don’t have a good intention or motivation, the placebo effect won’t help you either.
Yes,i agree theres nothing like magic formula yet,otherwise i think i knew it as im on search for it for ages:)
Two things about recall tho-vitamin b6 and b12 help a lot.Also if you go through your all day in your mind before sleeping.From the end to the beginning works even better.
those are only two i know that work almost for everyone,but its just recall not lding.
good luck
hi jack
The last one (going through your day) I read about in Castaneda once, but I didn´t ever really try.Do you have any theory why it helps?
Where did you get that idea?
i cant say where i got it from(forgive old pothead:) but it surely wasnt Castaneda.I think it was somwhere in one of OOBE books i read.
Its purpose is to “warm up” your memory.I usually do it both ways…first i try to recall what i did starting from the evening bacwards to the morning,and then sometimes i do it normally-morning to evening.
As for me it helps a lot with my recall.Actually it is only one of the methods that is able to break through my stoned head:)Even vitb6 wont beat its effects.There were few people i suggested it to and i had quite promising feedback:)
And apart of it all its just cool thing to do-it makes you thinking about the day,things you did,things you noticed,it gives you a chance to live them again,work out some “wisdom” out of it etc.On many occasions i was suprised how much i was able to recall from passing day(like my way back from work-i usually drive without giving it much thinking,and when i recall it on the evening im suprised how many things i saw on my way without noticing them)
take care
Sounds like some ‘technique’ which I heard somebody mention a long time ago - review your whole day before you sleep, to see whether you’ve done ok or not…