any suggestions for getting lucid quickly?

hi ive heard about a technique call hypnosis induced lucid dream and was wonderin if it worked or if you have any ideas for getting lucid

What me and my friend do (it seems to work for him but not me :sad: ) is while you fall asleep think over and over in your mind “I will dream and i will relise im in a Dream.” You need to beleive in them words, do it until you fall asleep. the technique is called MILD. I think that should help.

Yeah, MILD is really effective. About the hypnossis thing… it would work the first or second time but after a while you would just get used to it. :peek:

Sometimes i wonder if im doing MILD wrong, what would happen if another thought entered your mind while your saying that? That happens to me and after i relise that im thinking of another thought i go back!

Yougamer, What you said happens to me to. But just as quickly as you relize that your thinking something different just go back to saying " I will dream and i will realize im dreaming". Thats what I do. :tongue:

That is what i do too. Just that and my DJ are REALLY helping me! I didnt think just them two things would give me such progress in it.

I find myself thinking off other stuff exept “I’m dreaming” too! Last night I tried to do WBTB and WILD but I didn’t hear my alarm go off!! :tongue:

I have a dumb alarm clock that is really quiet, and it goes off after one minute!

Yep, me too! :grin:

I wonder what the point of it is, becuase it doesnt wake me up :tongue:

Yeah, you should probably try something more effective like this:

AH! :cool_laugh: … Whew, DONT WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT! ER! :grrr: lol

Ok, I’ll wake you up like that: :wolfbite:

Wow, the emoticon was FREAKY!

Yep it is!! :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:
:wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite: :wolfbite:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :razz: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh year, the good luck that i put in the bottle worked by the way, :tongue: i had a Lucid dream lastnight! I wish you really could put goodluck in a bottle so then you could drink it and then have Extra good luck, lol. I hope i have another LD tonight, becuase i want to experience it better

Though inexperienced in lucid dreaming I have some good advice for you: If you ever want to reliably induce lucid dreams, don’t be halfhearted in your efforts. I discovered this site and lucid dreaming three years ago, have been visiting on and off since then, registered last year, and I STILL have not got around to keeping a dream journal on a regular basis. I only have the occasional random low level LD just because I’ve retained an interest in the subject. So far, I’ve seen palpable improvement whenever I started with my dreamjournal, but it all came to naught when I gave up.

So basically, the more effort you put into it, the better your results, especially if you keep it up long enough to make a habit of it.

yeah, i agree, i think everything is like that