any tips on beeing more..tired ?

Haha here’s the thing :razz:

I got pretty good dream recalls, but at the second I wake up, I’m almost fully awake.
It’s like, when my alarm rings, I get out of bed without even thinking about it and get a shower with my eyes wide open :eek: ! I would like to have some more… tired awakenings ? Its gets sometime annoying when I wake up from a dream and wanna fall asleep again. :content:

Any tips ? :razz: Would waking up waayy more slowly help ?

Well, you don’treally want to be tired as tiredness decreases your awareness. What you need is to wake up at the beginning of an REM cycle so you’ll fall back asleep and into a dream quickly.

Try to set your alarm clock 1-3 hours earlier than before you actually need/want to get up, or 5-6 hours after first going to sleep. After turning it off, relax in bed. Don’t open your eyes if you don’t have to, and if possible, try to use autosuggestion to wake yourself up earlier rather than an actual alarm.

If you stay still and keep your mind calm, you should be able to fall back asleep.

Well, I’d like to get some tired tips anyway. I’m going to try to FILD (was HILD). So any thing that can help make me tireder would be appreciated.

Hey Joyness.

Take it from someone who wakes in a daze and falls back to a dream over and over again, Waking up fresh is the best. Today i slept in till one o clock and had around 20 different scattered dreams. But it’s not so great trust me. I’d rather jump out of bed and have a great energetic day.

You might not see it but it’s great that you can do that.

Well, what I said before about tiredness still applies, as tiredness still decreases awareness, but if you’re determined it will help you could try to stay up late and wake up very early before going back to sleep.

Keep in mind, the more tired you are, the more deep sleep and less REM sleep. You need REM to dream. If you just want to fall asleep faster for FILD, follow the advice in my above post

Thanks happy and Rhewin !

auto suggesting me to wake up earlier works every time, so I don’t have to use an alarm. And i didn’t know it was such a good thing to wake up for good. :razz:
I’m gonna try your advices to find a state between too tired and not enough :smile:

One day, I woke up at 4h00 am with auto suggestion but couldn’t fall back asleep :sad:

I spend most of my time in bed in the mornings recently, seeming as I don’t have much to do during the day. Bed is my thinking time in the morning, and dreaming time. :slight_smile:

Do you have an active life style may I ask? :wink:

The alarm clock is the problem for me too, it ruins my DR completely every time I have school in the morning. But, I can’t let myself try the auto suggestion thingy because I can’t let myself be late for school. I know it works, I tried it a few time on Saturdays, but still there is a chance that it might not work. So - I’m left to have no DR at all. :sad:
School’s ending soon, so I could practice my DR, but its not a long-term solution anyways. :sad:

(EDIT) this was supposed to be an answer to Vokteraven The Dragon’s question

Kind of. :razz:

I get out of bed at 6h00am to get to school at 7h00am And work hard.
A couple of months ago, i was always at the gym in my free time too, but now it’s over.
Now, from 3h00pm to bed time, I’m just hanging around at home on the computer or watching T.V :tongue:

Use autosuggestion for a couple of hours before you actually need to wake up, then have your alarm set for when you need to be awake.

In your place, I would get up an hour earlier every day and do a nap in the afternoon. But thats just me, it can be really unhealthy. All in the addition to WILD. :cool:

@Rewin: I tried it, but my SC does not work that way. When I know my alarm is going to ring in a few hours and I don’t need to wake up actually, I’m not going to wake up.

Your problem is you’re getting too little sleep, you’re staying up too late, or you’re not getting enough exercise. Let me explain:

You might think “if I get too little sleep, shouldn’t that mean I should FEEL tired, not vice-versa?”, well, I see how someone might think that. But that’s not how it works. If you get plenty of sleep, your body is fully relaxed and most likely in REM sleep, or something close to it. Waking yourself out of that will make you feel tired and wanting to continue the relaxation. But later on in the day, you will get passed that feeling and feel good as new. But if you get too little sleep, when you wake up your body wouldn’t have been completely relaxed or in REM sleep. Your body wouldn’t really have been in the middle of anything important that you’d want to get back to, so you’d awake feeling quite almost energetic, with the repairs your body did just make. But later on in the day, you’d start to feel tired.

If you stay up too late, your body burns more energy to try to stay conscious. That means you’d require even more sleep. Thus, getting too little sleep.

Not getting enough exerisise means your body doesn’t need to do as much work on repairing itself, so you don’t require as much sleep. Not requiring as much sleep makes it take longer to fall asleep and then you feel energetic in the morning, but later on you feel crappy and out of energy. Like a suger-rush.

This is a kind of problem I have, but the focus is on not how tired you are, but how you sleep. The trick is to shut your eyes and turn any distraction into a reason to push forward. I try and lie on my back with my arms to my side and just wait there, eventually, one you start going into sleep paralysis, it would start to feel easier. Now from then-on you can fall asleep (or if you are attempting a WILD, just remain conscious).

If it’s not any of these reasons, it could be psychological (most likely not) or just something out of the ordinary (such as eating habits).

Also, the computer can make it harder to fall asleep. Don’t use any electronics with lights in the mornings, even if your alarm clock is like your cellphone. Try not looking directly at it for too long. Here is a quote I found on exactly why:

Thanks nitt ! these times i’m trying to sleep an hour long more than usual, i’ll see how it goes. I also don’t do a lot of exercise but I planned on re-entering a gym. :razz:
Also, I wouldn’t be impressed if it was a psychological thing a a habit. I can only fall asleep when my mind is 100% tired, That means i cannot do any kind of naps and it also leaded to severe insomnia (Witch is slowly going away :happy: ) Again thanks for the tips.
Haha beat doctor no way i’m waking up an hour earlier and doing naps in the afternoon ! That would just DESTROY me xD

EDIT : I didn’t see the computer tip, I think this will help me A LOT.