any tips??

I just read something about this last night and, though i’ve been wondering about it for at least two years, decided to research it and try it out. any of you veterans have any tips for me?

The main thing I’d advise is to look for some kind of internet forum where you could read people’s posts on the subject.

Though I’ve no idea how you’d go about finding such a thing.

Hey Bradcook!! Welcome to the ld4all forum !!!:slight_smile:
Do you mean tips for having a Lucid dream(LD)? If so here are some from my part that will hopefully help u:

  • keep a dream journal(write down signs u see, special things …etc)
  • often do reality checks In Real Life(IRL) because it will be much easier for u to do it in a dream. You will do it automatically
  • try MILD before u go to sleep(this is a method in which ppl tell themselves that they will have a lucid dream before they have one)
  • have an intention(ex:flying, morphing into an animal…etc).Without an intention, you dont really have a reason for wanting to LD
  • remember to have fun!
  • stay motivated(read the forum everyday or couple of times a week, read lucid books, talk to ppl about LDing in the chat…etc)
    I hope these helped !^_~

thanks a lot i’m sure all of those will be lots of help :smile:

You are very welcome! :slight_smile:

okay so last night i remembered the smallest detail in one dream when i woke up at 5:50. then when i woke up at 9:19 i remembered a pretty good amount of another one. i filled up about seven or eight lines in a notebook. the only thing is…i couldn’t really remember a story line, i just remembered details about people. i mean i remembered a few things but like not why i was at a warped messed up version at my school…or maybe it’s supposed to be that way in dreams. i have knowing that i’m dreaming and i only remember it when it’s over which sucks. but hey, i dont think it was bad for my first night!

*i have trouble knowing…sorry

Bradcook: It doesn’t matter how much you remember of the dream, as long as you keep writing down notes of your dream, no matter how vague or clear, your DR, or dream recall, will improve over time. Go through this website with its info to find more and more tips.

Also, if you write fast on computer, rather use notepad or a dream journal program to write your dreams - faster so you won’t forget dreams.

If you’re in a rush in the morning then just scribble keypoints of what you remember in your dream and finish writing when you come back home and have time (you might even remember more than before).

My tip is to constantly ask “Am I dreaming?” throughout the day, vocally or mentally. Some time in your dream you’ll ask the same question and notice that you are, in fact dreaming :tongue: