Anybody haved these weird feelings and sensations ?

These sensation is not rare for me , I haved some time when I was already young but its very rare. I come to one yesterday and I tryed to understand it , thats a hard task…

So I know these are not SP because when I haved SP it was when I was fully asleep and SP is a sensation of being paralyzed and trying to move and the best recognition , you often see you paralysing from a point of view or through our own eyes.
Sometime you hallucinate on SP and that you can’t
Thesses feeling was not that.

I know these are not feeling of WILD or Astral projection sensation. I know because I experienced several OBE sensation and this was not that. These sensation are usually the heart pounding really fast and vibration all over your body with the sensation to be pulled away.

So these sensations was not that.

This was very weird , Its like im very drunk and I go to sleep.
When you do that , you have a strange sensation of spinning but not really real just your heard and you are in disconfort.

These feeling was like I was on the verge of dreaming and half asleep. Its like big hit of vibration that come and im in disconfort and I dont want to continue sleeping so I awake.

So I dont know what is this ,and its hard to tell because its really weird anyone haved theses things ?
Is it some kind of night terror ? I heard of that and its not beautiful … But i doubt its that…

Its just like you are hitting by little punch , you know the dream pain mixed with vibration and you like drum and suddenly the vibration hit you and you dont like that , you dont hallucinate , you just dont like that and you dont want to continue…


I haven’t experienced any of this, but I’ve heard of stranger stuff happening…

Give it some time. If things like this are consistently happening and you’re genuinely concerned, talk to a doctor. But I wouldn’t worry too much about this.

What stranger stuff that you heard ?

But its very weird its a full blown sensation of incomfort with the feeling transforming into it too.

I would try next time to keep this feeling and try to fall asleep with this sensation. I will find what this is all about.

But its not easy to not be awaken by thats type of feeling.

And its quite rare so it would be difficult…

What you experienced has happened to me twice, once upon wakening from a lucid dream and once during the WILD process, so it doesn’t seem to be all that uncommon.

My understanding of them is that they are simply particularly violent vibrations, because like you I have found they are quite uncomfortable and frightening. Try your best to get over it, the state seems to be very close to sleep so I’m sure it can be utilised for lucid purposes.

It is, indeed, a quite common thing. I’ve experienced it several times and usually when I’m about to enter a dream. I agree, the sensations you get may seem unpleasant at first but I’d suggest you to take advantage of them and enter a LD. Just go with the feeling and tell yourself to open your dream eyes. You’ll get used to it!

Im glad to see that other person have feeling them as well.

They are very weird and im happy to have come to this at least once.

Anybody have followed to dream state after hitting these sensation ? What happen ?

Im pretty sure they result on a perfect lucid dream because when I have them im half conscious when it hit me and half asleep so im sure its make a full blown LD.

You’re right. :content:

Now that was damn hard to understand :razz: lol. sorry i didnt get the question…

I dont write well ? what you didnt udnerstand ?

I’ve had those feelings more than once, especially the one you describe as going to bed while drunk, it kinda feels like your head is spinning or your bed is shaking… I have them once in a while when I try to WILD, but they’re never uncomfortable for me. I think at least some of these feelings are normal if you WILD (even if you WILD unintentionally), because I used to get them even before I knew about lucid dreaming if I lay still at night without moving for some time. (And no, I still can’t WILD successfully for some reason heh).

I think you should just follow it through, especially if you can’t stop it and if you get it spontaneously. You might get an LD. :smile:

I used to wake up about 10-15 times a night with severe leg cramps and headspins, at the time I put it down to malnutrition but I’m starting to think it might have been sleep related.

Vibrations are an entirely different thing though, where they are mildly pleasant the cramping was definitely not.