Just looking for a movie for a guy over 50 years old, this is a good friend of mine, family friend. He Meditates and does Tai Chi, also teaches me. He told me about a cool movie once, which i watched, it was called ‘Autum, spring, summer, winter’ it got great reviews. It was in mandarin with english subs, all about Tai chi and meditation.
Do you guys no anything similar, either in another language with english subs or even completely in english audio. A good martial art film or a documentary, or even a film about life.
Amélie! Yeah, I guess it could be considered a “girl movie”, but it has some valuable lessons that can apply to anybody. At its core, it’s a witty, unusual, and inspiring look at appreciating what you have and living life to the fullest. Plus, it’s hilarious.
I just watched Blade Runner the other night, it’s about AI(artificial intelligence). But you can surely reflect on life when you watch the movie. It was influenced or based on a story from Phillip K. Dick. I like future type movies
If you’re looking for something that specific, why don’t you just try a regular internet search? “Martial Arts Films” or something like that. I just did an extremely brief search and got a ton of results.
This may be late. But I watched a movie called “Living Out Loud” and I liked it. I actually have watched it several times but it wasn’t until the second time that I really enjoyed it.