Anyone ever hear a new song in their dreams?

Haha, I love Eric Clapton.

Yes, I absolutely LOVE having dreams (lucid or not) where there is some sort of composition being played. It always stops me dead in my tracks.

I remember one lucid dream (it was one of my first), I was in my parents room in my childhood home and I was looking out of it through the front window. I started to imagine it being night, then switching back to day. I quickly realised I was Lucid. The whole dream consisted of me changing the skies. Eventually I was mixing the skies with hues of purple and magenta, and all the while there was this BEAUTIFUL piece of music playing (Classical) and it was going directly in hand with the ways I changed the skies… it was just breathtaking. That was one of the most satisfying dreams I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

I love this aspect of dreams! :content: I have practically no ability when it comes to composition or playing instruments, but I love listening to music. In my dreams I will hear the most intricate and amazing music, usually on a radio or at some type of concert. Unfortunately, there’s not really a way to preserve this when you wake up. Maybe if you were a musician. :razz:

One of my friends who plays the piano (been playing since he was 6) woke up singing one night and he wrote the words down I’m not sure what all was in the song, but it is a really good song.

Yeah, I hear music in dreams from time to time, and it usually sounds really really beautiful. But I think it’s more the way we perceive the music in dreams, rather than the sheer quality of the music itself, that makes it so breathtakingly beautiful. Even a simple tune that wouldn’t sound exciting at all in a “normal” state of mind, can sound mysteriously beautiful in a dreaming state of mind (or an altered state of mind in waking life).

Of course, there seems to be an awful lot of creativity at work in dreams, and people seem to get their best ideas when they’re sleeping, but still, I think much of the fascination that stems from “dream music”, comes from the fact that you’re in a dreamy state of mind. If you reproduced the music in waking life, it would probably lose much of it’s magic, even if I don’t doubt the quality would be really good.

What are your thoughts about this? I think it’s an interesting question, because humans always try to make things more beautiful and more beautiful, but forget to try and appreciate things as they are.

I know there is allready a topic on this subject titled, “new music in dreams”, but I couldnt find it.

Ive had so many songs wasted, because I couldnt remmber them. I had a dream a few nights ago that I was in a recording studio. I was watching four DCs playing this beautyfull song. The only thing I remmber was there was a piano, a guitar, bass, and harmonica. It was a great song, I remmber another DC asked me how I liked the song, and I told him I loved it. There are so many great songs in dream land, but its so damn hard to bring them to waking life.

I once dreamt a song. i’m a keyboard player in a band and i dreamt that i was at a band practice and we were playing a new song and it sounded really cool, but the best thing about it that i saw how it was played in my dream and as soon as i woke up i tried to play it and it sounded exacly as in the dream and my band is playing this song now :smile:

This is my latest on hearing new music My DJ. I truly wished I knew how to read music. But what I should have done was to try and remember the notes. But I guess that wouldn’t have mattered either if I don’t know where on the music line thing to put them on.

I’ve never heard a completly new song but I’ve hear wierd versions of songs I already knew.

[color=olive]I have the same thing happen to me when im falling asleep! cool. :smile:[/color]

I once sat at the TV and heard weezers Beverly Hills, and saw the video, about 5 years before it came out! but thats something totally different.

that’s a precog dream:P
i’ve heard music in a semi-sleep state but i think that might’ve been HH music