Anyone experienced this?

my dear dreamers

a lot of the time in my dreams ive come to find that images will appear in my dreams made up from pictures or objects that are in my room

they blend really well into the dream ceamlessly in fact

so for example a picture of an indian lady which i have hanging on my wall might end up being the paintwork on the side of a car or depict itself in a clocks face

i dont think they look out of place in the dream although saying this im not to sure though because sometimes i have a feeling when these images appear i sort of check myself hmmm im not too sure but a lot of the time they seem natural to the dream …

iTs StRaNgE In A gOoD wAy

i think that this is just a part of the dream , it is sayed that 80 percent of all the dream content you experience is made out of memories of the past day …

Greetz and a warm :welcome: to ld4all


Well how can you explain the fact I had a strange dream of climbing up a tree, and the ground slowly filling up with smarties (which could be twisted and unscrewed, and contained salt, not chocolate :confused: ) I never climbed a tree or ate smarties the day before. See: total non-sequitur from my brain. I don’t know why, but it was so.

score_under , read again :wink: , i sayed about 80% percent of dream content , not all.
You can of course dream of things , situations and people which you have never encountered

who knows…

anyone else have this happen to them it happens to me a lot

if i sleep somewhere else - other than my room - then strong images from that room will appear in my dreams

whats interesting is that it is usually only strong images that appear - and also the things that crop up are those that i do not usually look at when i am awake - maybe i only look at them when im asleep

i find this interesting because if dreams are made from our days actions its strange how a picture which i may or may not have looked or even glanced at will appear regularly in my dreams - perhaps my memeory or dream memory or whatever it is has learnt to remeber the contents of my room so well that no matter what happens during the day the images from my room will always appear in my dream

wow nice one im going to move some of the pictures around in my room and see what happens

smarties and trees

you just dont know though do you your brain could have inturpeted something in your waking life as smarties or trees

maybe that day you might have seen a tree or a friend told you a joke - someone you bumped into looked a bit like a monkey a girl was wearing a crooked hat it rained then became sunny again… and all these events put together enabled you to dream about smarties (very tasty) and trees

im not a fan of this though i prefer to believe that waking life has little effect on dreams but maybe it could

i know that after a good party i have - random & exciting dreams

You should put up a big poster that tells you to do a reality check! Also, inspired perhaps by The Science of Sleep, you could put an object in your room, say, a time machine, and then when it appears in a dream, it works!
If what’s in your room appears in your dreams, you have a measure of control. Use it wisely!

so i best not put anything im scared of in there

  • time machine

wow im going to try that

I had instance where the whole room was depicted exactly in an LD. It was followed by a FA and my whole room had been moved around by a poltergeist, going into a second FA where it was all back to normal, losing lucidity and having a 3rd FA. I tell you what, I did so many RCs the next day. :lol:

Since you take your RL details in with you Ommbalawah, it could be that you’re using them, albeit unconsciously, as a kind of safety net. Something familiar in the strangest of places. It’s not inconceivable that you should use them to become lucid. Perhaps rather than changing them around IRL you could try substituting one that you see in a dream for another from your RL room. :happy:

Have fun exploring. :smile:

i will i will

im always having false awakenings ive only just discovered this week what it thas has been happening - at one point i thought i was possesed and also sometimes ive felt parylises

its re-assuring to know that false awakenings is a common place experience

usually when ive been having them i attempt to turn my light on and off - once i think i got up and looked in the mirror - this possibly could me becoming lucid i dont know but i know i always get a bit scared and try and wake myself up

i have similar thing happen to me when i am just waking up where i think i see faces in everything. for example in the blankets, the curtains… pile of clothes etc.
could it be that you sleep with your eyes open or partially open?

yeh i have been told that i sometimes do sleep with my eyes open - scared some friends once they thought i was dead or something

maybe this could be to do with it i dunno

in nearly every dream i have i can spot at least 1 thing that was taken from a memory i had either that day or in the recent past so thats prolly why, do a RC everytime u see those it will be easy LD’s for u!

Thats just the way dreams work. Your mind takes things it sees, feels, and hears, and if it finds them important - it flags them, and decides whether or not to put it in the late night movie.

My guess is your mind just flags things around rooms as important - not that bad, ive known people who see certain items all the time…

hee hee

  • false awakenings can pretty scary