Anyone got some advice to get more vivid dreams?

Hi all, i was just wondering if anyone might know any good ways to have more vivid dreams, or make them last longer, because that is (kinda) my biggest problem a.t.m, and i dont think i’m alone :confused:

Last night i had like 7 FA’s, but everytime i realized that it was a dream they ended in like 15 seconds :sad: (I’'ve gotten quite a lot better at inducing LD’s than before, thanks to this forum :content: )

I have tried things like spinning, rubbing hands, focusing etc, but almost all my dreams ends without warning, so it’s a little hard for me to do all the “when the dream starts fading” tecniques.
Thanks to everyone who wishes to share his/her secrets. :smile:

to increase vividness, improve your dream recall. The best way to do that is to write a dream journal. You could also try to shout things like “lucidity 100%” or “increase lucidity” in your dream to make yorseld more lucid and thus make the dream more vivid. 7 FAs! Wow, I never had one yet :tongue:

I don’t know how dream recall is going to improve vividness. I thought that improving dream recall was to better recognize common events and themes in your dreams, so you can use those as dream signs.
My vivdness sucks frequently also. Supposedly Melatonin helps but I’ve never tried it.

Maby i should make another DreamDairy or something, but it just feels kinda like i’m wasting books to write dreams down, cause it feels like i have a good dream recall already :confused:
Anyway, i read EWLD, chapter 6 and i thougt this was worth a try:



However, i couldn’t test them myself, since i didn’t have any LD’s last night, i was too tired :tongue:
Hope you find it useful :content: