Just wondering, has anybody else here seen the solar eclipse? I was happening to be doing homework when it got darker all of a sudden. I looked outside, and it looked very weird, it was light outside yet dark at the same time. So, I went out to see what was going on, looked at the sun, and saw that it was a crescent. Unfortunately it wasn’t a total eclipse, those things never happen in my area.
Don’t worry, I’ve never seen an eclipse, crescent or not, in my life. That just doesn’t happen here, and from what I know, only part of the America was able to see it even fully or partially.
It’s so cloudy where I live that the eclipse is forever. But I still missed checking for it. It wasn’t very well advertised for me until today
It’s funny that you said so, a solar eclipse was visible in Australia in 1999 and the next one is coming this year!
Nov 13, 2012
Total - Will be visible in Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific adn Southern South America.
Total Eclipse visible in Australia and South Pacific.
TD of Greatest Eclipse - 22:12:55 UT
I saw it as a crescent too! I had 3 shades on and my glasses in order to see the moon covering the sun. It was a really cool sight… What, what the… There is a green spider on my bed! Waaaah! Wait, wait… Nope, that’s just useless sunglasses.
Tggtt, can you dig up some information when next total eclipse will occurr in europe?
Mar 20, 2015
Total Eclipse - Will be visible in Iceland, Europe, North Africa and Northern Asia
Total: Northern Atlantic, Faeroe Island and Svalbard.
TD of Greatest Eclipse - 09:46:47 UT