I am a newbie programmer in Visual Basic, and I wondered if anyone had a dream or LD related project for me to do? I could do a dream diary, but I see that there are so many guys doing it on the 'net, and I don’t want to just add another DD to the heap.
I was trying to make a program for subliminal messages, but it failed, because to make the messages completely invisible to the consisous, I had to use API calls. It worked fine, until I discovered that the API tended to “paint” the message on moving windows, disclosing it (subminial messages are supposed to be invisible for the consisous) So I failed with this one.
But as said, I am open to any dreaming related programming project which is not aming too high
Hmm…i thought of something but i dunno really…sometimes i think it would be good ,sometimes i see it silly.Anyways…
i was thinking about kind of the survey.The one where people with good ld skills could answer some questions about i.e their sleeping habits,their ld lenghts and how often they occur…also about their diet,the method used…so on…actuall questions we could find here on the forum so if anyone has an idea feel free to add.
The goal would be a kind of database …grrrr my english…i was hoping it could help to see us common points among those people.Therefore we would be able to see what type of people has most advantage if it comes to getting lds.
Well…im just putting it up to see the responses.
I don’t think it’s actually possible to make a subliminal messaging program that is completely ‘invisible’ to the conscious mind. I’ve tried several programs (some commercial) and I was always able to notice (but not read) the message on the screen. The refresh rate is just too low, I suppose - API or not.
Not including dream journal software, I can’t really think of anything else to make. I’ve been wanting to start a similar project for a while also.
Yes I like the idea of a survey type of questionair. If anyone does want to make it I could help out to supply …say a set of personality trait tests too. This program would be one of a kind for sure.
Jack: That’s a great idea. Why didn’t I think of it!
Well, does anyone have any suggestions for the research. I would think of a research which includes habits related to dreams, ways of inducing dreams, ways of stabilizing/prolonging dreams, ways of doing “impossible” things, foods, WBTB habits, dream recall, reality checks, dream signs, and how they use LDs. I could also include questions about personality and other aspects of life to see if they had any effect. And of course, how long they have been LDing, and how often they do it Oh now I know something more, I can include a left/right brain hemisphere test to see if that would have any effect. I will be away for the weekend, but next week I can take a closer look at the project (if anyone else here is interested in it)
Ateist: I once used a commercial sublime software, and as I remember it was fully invisible. On the other hand, it might have been that it didn’t work. I will do another try with the API (this time with CreateWindowEx), and if I can’t make it stable, or it turns out to be visible, I will give up and make a “just-close-to-being-invsible” software in stead. I am interested in making it because we could do an interesting experiment with it at the forum.
Maybe this is aiming too high, but I would like a hypnosis program. One that would help you go into a relaxed trance state, then audially and/or visually play suggestions telling you to LD.
I am not aware of any LD-specific program that can help you go into a trance state then give suggestions to your subconscious.
Another idea is to have a program in the vein of Lucid Dreamer Assistant, available on the “how” section of this site. What that does is guide you through several reality checks that, if you then dream about the program and the reality checks fail, you know that you are dreaming.
I am thinking of a game (which can easily be a common but playable game) where certain “mistakes” (concealed reality checks) are programmed to randomly occur. This should keep you aware and trained to notice problems with the dream.
So, if there was a Lemmings game where a Lemming suddenly decided to go in the opposite direction to the ones in front, this should be seen. It is these subtle discrepancies that appear in dreams and can be noticed that very often cause lucidity, not the “obvious” things related to the main dream-plot.
You could add to this, say at the end of each level a revealing of what all the reality checks were, thereby improving training.
Anyway, it’s one possibility. If you want to take it on it shouldn’t be too hard to program (you could even just add this as a feature to an existing game).
Oliver: The idea about the game, it’s a great idea! Will think about it.
Oliver and Traumgänger: I don’t think it should be too hard to make a hypnosis program, but they says that subliminal messages are the most efficent when you don’t know them, so I am a little bit uncertain about being able to edit the messages. I’ll think more about it later.
About that survey thing, i’ll take it later. In fact, I’ll take everything but the subliminal program later
Now I have decided to make a sublime messaging program. You can read more about it in the Laboratory I’ll look at the other projects later
Yes, I know of that. By a hypnosis program I don’t mean a subliminal. I mean one that will send you through a relaxation procedure then give you suggestions. An automated self-hypnosis program.
That sounds interesting… are you into self-hypnosis?
What should it be like? Some swirly thing like that, combined with those suggestions (“You are tired… Your eyelids feel heavy…”)
Hmm, but that´ll only work as long as you are able to read it.So it needs voice-audios?
Don´t know much about hypnosis, but I weren´t that lazy I had already learned self hypnosis
Perhaps I´ll do some day