Lastnight during a series of APs, I was once again struck with the notion that it is so easy to do that I can be awake, and do it. Its something about the astral body vibration. It just seems easy when I feel it. Then I got the idea… What if we could somehow simulate the astral body vibration. Like maybie a mat that vibrated, or sitting in a massage chair, or something. Maybie its not the same kind vibration, but if we cold maybie figure out away to tune in to the vibration frequencey of the astral body… Do you think its possible? It just allways seems so easy.
This could be a fun thing to experiment with. I recently got this tiny massage thing. It stands on 3 round feet and you hold it on top: Well the other day i just set it on my head and wondered if I could fall asleep like that.
I want to AP more now. It’s been too long. Right now, you gave me an idea. I want to go and relax. I might as well but the massager on my head again, but this time also try to astral project by getting more intune with the vibrations.
When I feel the vibrations I feel more awake then asleep, and Im not near the hypnogogic stage. This is why when I do it it just seems if I could figure out how, or concentrated hard enough I could project. I wonder if there is a way I could somehow hook up away for my pillow to vibrate, or a mat. Im defintley goint to try it. Im sure its just a matter of stimulating the astral body.
There is a way to stimulate the astral body. And yes, with using vibration. I have done it many times and it works. This is by chanting mantras. There are certain mantra specifically designed to ‘rev up’ the astral body. Here is a website of people saying they astral projected with mantras:Mantral for astral projection
And on this web page are some sound files. I have astral projected with Egypto a few times and FaRaOn too. One time I chanted LaRaS and had a whole night of LD’s .