Well, in all of my normal dreams I can think for myself but never stop to think “How did I wind up in this situation?”
For example, I was in a Guild Wars-themed dream and I tried to use the spell “Drain Enchantment” on a foe to try to beat him. I kept using it over and over wondering “Hey, why wont his enchantment go away?”
Or in another dream, where I was shopping with a female DC, she turned around and asked me “Isn’t this a cute shirt?” I replied, “yeah, want me to steal it for you?” in a joking manner.
Its pretty much like I act in my dreams as I would in real life.
I can usually make conscious logical decisions for myself in my dreams, If I see a big red button, ill tell my dream-self to push it. So maybe they are like super-extra-extremely 0.00000000001% low-lucid dreams? or is it pre-lucid?
Im sorry if I havent explained it well enough, just a bit curious.
My NDs vary … in some I think a lot and even do some reasoning … then there is a scale to where there are some NDs where I’m not aware of internal thoughts at all.
Hmm well from what I’ve heard a Lucid Dream of any sort is one that you -know- you are dreaming, even for a split second. A pre-lucid dream is when the dream has something to do with being Lucid, but you don’t become lucid. (Or something similar to that matter) I think what you have are controlled dreams,where you are able to control yourself and what happens in the dream, am I correct? Maybe I’m completely wrong, but I tried But that’s my opinion, a controlled dream
I believe it’s a matter of how conscious you are in the dream. It varies for me, but if you have this degree of consciousness in all your dreams, you’re in a good place I guess. They sound like normal dreams or Pre-lucid. I think there might be differing opinions on what pre-lucid dreams are, but what I learned is that they are dreams in wich you are more sceptical and pick up on weird things, thinking about them. like “Hey, why wont his enchantment go away?”
I dunno… I mean, I suppose sometimes we’ll act naturally, as we would in RL, even in a dream. For example, two nights ago, I turned into a girl in the dream. For some reason I wasn’t really shocked by it and didn’t doubt it, but I did something I’d try on my right mind - I groped myself
I know what you mean, I’m the same way. My friend tells me of her dreams where she’s looking at herself and is just watching things happen like a movie. In my normal dreams I’m exactly like you are, I’ll have conversations with people and remember them, I’ll make conscious logical decisions but I hardly ever watch myself, (every time that has happened it’s only for a short time,) usually I’ll try to use powers and if they don’t or do work that usually tips me off that I’m dreaming, (don’t ask why I always expect them to work, laughs ) I think it’s kind of what the other person said, a controlled dream. You have about as much control in the dream as in real life. They really should come up with a name for it…
I think you explained it pretty well. I have a very similar experience, but there is one reason for this I know of that you didn’t mention, so I’m wondering if it applies to you. I don’t believe these are really pre-lucid dreams, though.
In all my normal dreams I’m perfectly capable of reasoning. If it’s hot, I’ll look for shade/water, and so on. But I do also always experience what you described - the lack of thinking about how you got into that situation in the first place.
In my experience, I tend to go into dreams with a lot of background information - often, I’m not myself, or if I am myself I’ve been altered in some way. My family might be different, or I might be younger/older, I might be a princess or a detective (I had one particularly fun dream in which I was a James Bond-like spy!), etc. Based on who I am, the events of the dream tend to make sense around this, and because it all fits in nicely together, I don’t question it.
I suppose the problem then is getting rid of the background information and realising that, in fact, I’m not the person my brain is telling me I am. Or it would be, but I’m perfectly happy with my dreams as they are.
Being lucid does not necessarily have to do with how much control you have in the dream. In most all of my dreams I am in full control of my actions, even if the actions involve powers that are not normal, i.e. being able to climb down a vertical clif head first, or walking on water. If it fits in the dream, I just don’t think about it while I am dreaming an ND.
Being lucid is all about knowing that you are dreaming. So if you are in a dream and have thoughts like “I can’t do this in real life” or “I hope that he/she doesn’t remeber this tomarow when we are awake” or “This must be a dream”, then you could say that these were pre-lucid moments in a dream. If you actualy become aware that you are dreaming, and ether start watching everything knowing that it is a dream, or even changing things because you know it is a dream, then it is a lucid dream. Just being able to point your finger at someone and make them die, or lift them into the air does not mean that you are in a lucid dream. Defenatly not now that there are so many games out where you can do things like that in the games. You see things like that all the time now in movies and on TV. The key point is being aware that you are dreaming. don