Are the little one worth it?

So Recently i’ve been sick and haven’t been able to medatate and i have been haveing incresinly small dreams like just a few seconds or even just a mental picture so is this worth writing down in my DJ?

((sorry for spelling))

,W!zzFx LD

Moved from Quest for Lucidity :tardis:

It’s a good Idea to write down any parts of dreams you have, even if it’s only a brief flash of something.

My opinion is that when you put your on hand onto something and want to do it, then do it for as long as you can ! You kept writing in the DJ, don’t give up. It’s a very effective tool for having LD’s, so in your place I would still write anything down (if the sickness isn’t that bad). Plus, I don’t think meditation plays a big role in having long dreams…

Get better soon, and good luck :smile:

It’s usually advised that if you don’t remember a full dream upon awakening, write down anything you remember. It can be a sensation, a thought, or an emotion… It’s all about getting your mind to believe that remembering your dreams is important, and this can’t happen when you sluff off the small dreams because they are insignificant…