So Recently i’ve been sick and haven’t been able to medatate and i have been haveing incresinly small dreams like just a few seconds or even just a mental picture so is this worth writing down in my DJ?
My opinion is that when you put your on hand onto something and want to do it, then do it for as long as you can ! You kept writing in the DJ, don’t give up. It’s a very effective tool for having LD’s, so in your place I would still write anything down (if the sickness isn’t that bad). Plus, I don’t think meditation plays a big role in having long dreams…
It’s usually advised that if you don’t remember a full dream upon awakening, write down anything you remember. It can be a sensation, a thought, or an emotion… It’s all about getting your mind to believe that remembering your dreams is important, and this can’t happen when you sluff off the small dreams because they are insignificant…