I’m sure we’ve all had those little jumps in bed, when all of a sudden you’re dreaming like normal, and then suddenly you might fall or collide with something and you jolt awake. This happens to me all the time, and I’m kind of wondering, are these little “jumps” related in any way to Sleep Paralysis. Because, for me, every time I have these little jumps, I always seem to half asleep. Like I’m dreaming, but am aware of the fact I’m in bed, I just seem to forget and it’s like my mind is wandering, then all of a sudden I fall or run into something and my body jolts awake. Because of the fact I am half awake, I started thinking, my arms and legs don’t really move while I’m in this kind of half awake state. So can any of you clarify if these could be linked in any way. I feel I might be being a vague on this, so if any of you have any questions about what I actually mean, just ask me below
These are called hypnic jerks.
They are associated with sleep paralysis. For most people, they get a sudden feeling of free fall. This causes them to wake up. In theory, the free fall sensation happens because the person is in or approaching sleep paralysis, and they no longer feel their body, causing the sensation of falling. Hypnic jerks happen unpredictably, and I do not know how to use them for entering sleep paralysis, lucid dreams of OBEs, but from what I understand, they are related to SP.
Some people say it’s happening when your mental body(or what its name is)came back to your physical body after an OOBE.It makes sense maybe , but I don’t believe anything except LDing.
I get these a lot, but never when I lucid dream. I get them after normal dreams, and from all the ones I remeber, I wasn’t falling in the dream. To me they feel like I’m getting slammed back into my body… I blame AP’s for this because I’ll Astral Fly and then head into a dream, and then do that… Its annoying to say the least:/
If we get them when we’re entering the SP phase, how come we don’t go through these little hypnic jerks when doing WILD’s and stuff like that??
I believe they tend to happen more often when you are very tired or have an irregular sleep pattern. They indicate a deep relaxation, but aren’t likely much use for lucid dreaming. The reason I say this is because they seem to biologically break your relaxation. When you feel the falling sensation and jerk, you will likely be flooded by a collection of chemicals designed to fully power up your body to react to a threat. From what I understand they are completely normal and not a threat etc, but not exactly a normal step in falling asleep, they seem occur when there is an error somewhere.
Of what I know the jerk is a way the mind checks if the body is asleep, sometimes the jerks are so hard that you wake up, but I dont really know