Are we the god of our dream world?

The Hindus believe that the universe is just one gigantic dream of god, and we are simply characters of this dream.

Perhaps, when we sleep, we literally CREATE an entire universe that mirrors waking life. Do you think it’s possible that dream characters aren’t just parts of our imagination, nor are they eternal lifeforms that live in other dimensions, but temporary lifeforms that we CREATE, that have their own soul and everything, but which die when we wake up?

That’s interesting lol, but I don’t think it’s possible because I can feel if that DC is living or not. It’s different than a IRL person. It’s hard to explain, but… know what I’m saying? I’d like to think that way though when I’m lucid… just for fun! :biggrin:

i’ve been thinking about that, but i think they are more likely to be parts of you…

i.e. when you dream you sort of “fragment your soul” sort of… so you know, they are “people” like, real people, sort of, but they’'re still you…

i don’t know…

The thing is, god never wakes up, its an endless dreamloop, thats why we don’t die :smile:.

we can make our own rules in our dreams, we can do anything we can think of, and then do the opposite. we can make physical laws, and then break them. we can manifest, morph, destroy, control, assimilate, mutate, and a good mile more of technical words :tongue:

but we are not gods. gods are eternal beings that are everything at once. we can mimic them, but are not true gods, because we cant live forever in our dreams. if we could, i wouldnt ever want to wake up :content:

yes. yes we are (kind of)

maybe we are just dream characters in some persons dream. it’s just we dont have a concept of time like the dreamer so we think we live for a long time but too our dreamer it is only several hours. when our dreamer that we live in wakes up, it will be the rapture and we’ll all die.

Are you the god of your mind (thoughts etc)? (at least sometimes :tongue:)

I feel DCs are interpretations and mixtures of every-day people (and some psychological elements) of coarse we can control most of it because it’s in our mind somewhere.

I think that Dream characters are just our minds conglomerations and manifestations of real or parts of real…or imagined people.
And no, we are clearly not the gods of our dreams, how often are you in absolute, 100% control or your dreams? :tongue:

I haven’t heard that idea before. It’s interesting. I agree with what omega3 said. I think dreams take place in our minds only.

maybe when we fall asleep we are actually entering “God’s dream” ?

i mean when you think about it, sleep is sort of death, so if you don’t exist in your body anymore, you exist eternally (so to speak?) or at least, abstractly, inside your own mind, or possibly inside someone elses…

since surely you exist in other people’s minds, since people know, remember, and think about you.

I dunno, when I sleep, I’m pretty sure I’m alive :smile:
Also, I’m pretty sure my dream is existing within my mind, not eternally outside or in someone else’s mind.
I mean, eventually my ‘non eternal’ dreams end :tongue: and I wake up, alive and well :smile:

that’s the point, in absence of bodily input (which equates to “death”) you simply go inside your mind and live in there…

if this process is done NATURALLY via sleep, then you’re giong to wake up restored and whatnot…

but if you say, lapse into a coma beause of brain trauma, it’s anyones best guess.

I mean think about it, we normally need delta (which is ALMOST brain death) before we even enter REM… delta = “death” of body and “awakening” of mind, so to speak… because YOU only reside in one form of consciousness, a form of consciousness resulting from external sensory input.

when that input dies you “die” (which is why most people can’t remember what being asleep is like) and then the “essence of you” whatever it is that is constantly “perceiving” no matter where it goes, begins to accumulate into a dream construct, which is based upon your constructions of reality.

i’d wager its normally a memory/storing/bodymind repairing activity, though.

but do you follow my train of thought?

Yeah, I see what you mean. It’s the awareness that counts.

I like this idea, :content: but let us go further in the craziness lol :tongue: :

What if our perception of being the dreamer was false…

What if, as soon as we enter the dream, we become a DC of the real “dreamer”…

I would say that when we dream, our conscious divides in many DCs. But the main point is that all DCs could have the feeling of being the dreamer : and they would all be right !!
That includes us… We would feel like being the creator of the dream when in fact we’d just a specific part of the dreamer conscious as all others DCs…

I’m not sure i’m being clear… :eh: Does anyione understand what i mean ?

"That includes us… We would feel like being the creator of the dream when in fact we’d just a specific part of the dreamer conscious as all others DCs…

I’m not sure i’m being clear… eh Does anyione understand what i mean ?"

yes… that’s a very interesting concept… i really need to start meditating in my dreams more and more and more…

That’s a cool idea. I’d feel sorry for my poor visual cortex, having to render hundreds of different realities for all the dream characters!

So when we’re lucid and we meet DC’s, the DC’s see their god? I doubt this is true but it’d be fun to have an entire world worship you.