Are you a natural? - Part II

also…i see a lot here about WILD…just to be cear…does that stand for willfully inducid lucid dreaming?

and is HI…Hypnogogic Images???

Well I remember the first time I had a lucid dream that I can remember. I was walking through the mosque with my dad, and suddenly, I realized I was dreaming. “HEY DAD! I’M DREAMING!:)”

yeah i used to have them a fair bit

as a child i remember having spooky nightmares and because i was so afraid to go to sleep, my mother had me repeat “It’s only a dream” over and over and over.
and i found myself still repeating this in my dreams. and could overcome my nightmares.
then a bunch o years passed without me giving much thought to any sort of Dream control and it seems the ability has escaped me.
im going to try my old “mantra” if you will and see if it still has the same effect.

I didn’t know I was dreaming, but when I had nightmares,
I knew nothing could happen to me,and I turned them into good dreams.
Does that count? :smile:

technically not, but it is still impressive in my opinion.

I thought everyone was an ld. Since I can remember I couldn’t go to sleep unless I had something to dream about. I can do almost anything in my dreams. Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m awake or asleep. One time my mother called me and I could swear I woke up and went to her. Minutes later something weird happened and I realised I was still asleep. So I woke up and just to make sure I was up this time I went outside and put my hand out so the sun would shine on it. I knew I was awake this time because I felt the sun on my hand. Only thing is I was still dreaming. So now I know that if I’m not sure then I’m asleep.

I used to have lucid dreams very often… I was like 5-7 and I think I kinda WILDed (I think) although its hard to remember. I thought I was sleeping normally but I would always feel like I was swaying and there would be bursts of color everywhere (HI i guess) and I’d go into one to my dream (I thought they were like doors) and I was scared cause I couldnt control them I thought if I went into a dark color it would be a nightmare and a light color a good dream and when I tried to change any part of my dream it would flicker like a broken tape and replay that second I tried changing over and over again until I gave up. I learned about LD a few months ago and now I think that is what I did but I havent had another yet but I havent really been trying.

I’ve had lucid dreams ever since I can remember… My most common LD has always been flying, and when I was little i remember at times it was very difficult for me to distinguish the difference between waking reality and my dream world. My mom thought I was probably cuckoo cause I remember trying to convince her that I really could fly. I was a big sleepwalker as a kid too, and she had to lock all the deadbolts on the door because I’d be so deep in a LD that I’d walk out of the house and down the street. Scared the shit out of her. Once I was locked inside I would end up in really odd places around the house, lol.

I remember some of my recurring LD’s when I was very little as well, along with my first OBE’s which I achieved during traumatic times.
I’ve always been very affected by my dream world.

I’ve always been mind boggled by some friends who say they ‘don’t dream’ or ‘rarely dream or remember them’. I don’t know what it’s like not to LD. I never knew people didn’t dream like this regularly until a psychologist told me when i was a kid, lol.

Like, the opposite of a natural :tongue: Can’t remember anything about lucid dreaming as a child. And when I started trying to accomplish LDing about 10 years ago, it took my almost a year to actually have my first. LOL! Ah, well…I guess its a testament to tenacity. Hopefully that will serve me well on future endeavors :content:


pretty much the exact opposite… always been a natural, but when i was younger i had much more difficulty making changes and manipulating the dream.

Did not grow up natural, then i got into LL and had nightly LDs for around 2 months, then awareness dropped, 3 days without LDing, and now i can chose to have a LD or ND whenever i want to, it is now that easy for me.

More stress=less lucid dreams
I’m stressed all the time. Go figure.

I actually never knew there was a thing other then lucid dreaming. I’ve always LD since i was a little kid but the night mares where the ones that really stuck in my memory. I remeber me as a kid doing silly things like pulling my arm hairs,trying to wake my self up and pinching my self to wake up from the nightmare and none of it working.

Now i lucid dream everytime i have a dream which is like every 3days at the lest, but sometimes i can go a week with out dreaming its wierd. I’ve always had amazing recalls of my dreams, and always thought it was unatural but never looked into it. Till i got possed tonight after trying to go to sleep, after saying a regular ol midnight prayer. Now im awake and like, ok this ■■■■ is real.

I actually never knew there was a thing other then lucid dreaming. I’ve always LD since i was a little kid but the night mares where the ones that really stuck in my memory. I remeber me as a kid doing silly things like pulling my arm hairs,trying to wake my self up and pinching my self to wake up from the nightmare and none of it working.

Now i lucid dream everytime i have a dream which is like every 3days at the lest, but sometimes i can go a week with out dreaming its wierd. I’ve always had amazing recalls of my dreams, and always thought it was unatural but never looked into it. Till i got possed tonight after trying to go to sleep, after saying a regular ol midnight prayer. Now im awake and like, ok this ■■■■ is real.

I’m way too disorganized/scatterbrained person to have natural DILDs (and also had lots of nightmares as child). It took about 6 months to achieve the first one. :eek:

Some people say it’s the easiest thing to achieve, but what happens when you are completely believe in it (the technique will work, still remain positive to yourself and motivated etc…) and nothing will remind yourself that you’re dreaming because you overlook some really odd elements of the dream?

This is a bit frustrating after a while because I think the same (you know my first real LD came after 6 months learning the techniques and understanding my dreams etc.) :eh:

I believe you can still get better at LD ing and someday get it down. It may be difficult but not impossible.

Always used to LD as a kid, then a few years ago found out about this site and without too much effort got alright at it, then I stopped trying but continued having LDs around once a month. Now I’m back to try bump that up to a few times a week.