Are you sexlf-concious?

is it wrong i still love violent action movies? its like chicken soup for my soul. Im sure it was how i was raised but i often go to bed at night with first blood part 2 playing muted in my room

In that case, why don’t you meditate on why you enjoy the violence? I’m sure you’d be surprised at what you may find.

Don’t let anyone tell you whats right or wrong. You already know these things, all you have to do is look deep inside yourself without thought to know.

i would rather look instead at do you love anything that is beautiful, that does not cause harm if it happens in waking reality ?

i notice two main types of people that like this :
people that are dangerous, and in the wrong circumstances would shoot up schools, or do things like this, and are very hopelessly lost, go to war from the WRONG REASONS out of desperation and anger , hoping to either die or to kill people for “fun”,

and people that just got stuck into habits and don’t realize what they are actually doing when they submit their eyes to it

you can’t hide from math, everything is interconnection and every action has an effect.

i was a mix of both types , but i chose to shy away from suicidal and sociopathic tendencies in times,

watching a violent movie to glorify death is a bit like chanting satan, satan, satan, and thinking it won’t do anything, its a waste of time in the larger picture, but to each his own,
it depends entirely upon intention at THIS POINT

like you know girls that have advertising on their rear ends or breasts , saying “cutie” or worse, imagine putting those on a 3 year old, it makes no sense,
( by no reasons do you need to hear this song but it makes a good point ) zombie

within violence there is also, in the media, movies that try to teach people to evolve and learn higher thought-forms, like the matrix, and movies/shows that have morals that are actually true, like the show LOST , and then you have shows like 24 which just further total paranoia and are a portal for viruses to be insertedn deep within the mind.

like , i was around a tv and this stupid show said BEING POPULAR IS IMPORTANT and then immediately there was a laugh track, if you watch that show you are forced to be stupider than you were before you watched it, because its operating at that normal level of thinking about popularity, etc,

I’ve already seen it. :lol:

I know

the entire reason to abandon this seeking is we cannot let another generation of little ones be seduced by flashing hamburgers, glorification of depression, hyper-sexualization, and glamorization of violence,
their minds are EMPTY, why fill them with…

uh… i like 24 :meh: . But yeah i am aware how ludicrous it is, i personally enjoy alot of those shows/movies just because i find it so hilarious, and i don’t think they will rot your brain unless you let them, but maybe thats just because my brain is already rotted beyond repair. Anyway there is no doubt they influence my dreams, a good portion of the ones i remember involve some form of conflict/combat.

 In fact that could actually be a good dream sign... i NEVER fight in real life

Amusingly enough, no.
I’ve had one dream character offer some mildly sexual actions once, and I actually declined in the dream (it was a normal dream, too-- I wasn’t lucid) as I presumably would while awake. So they don’t even happen when they’re basically thrown at me, either.