Ladt night, in my dream, I was standing on the side of a road, and Iall of a sudden, I just realized I was dreaming. I wasn’t even excited or anything, and boom, I woke up. I hated that.
Ladt night, in my dream, I was standing on the side of a road, and Iall of a sudden, I just realized I was dreaming. I wasn’t even excited or anything, and boom, I woke up. I hated that.
Yes that can be annoying, but with practice it goes away. I had that everytime I tried going through a wall, its stopped now.
“ooo. im dreaming. now i will continue on with my dream as if i didnt know i was dreaming lucidty loss”
Hahah… Yup. Exactly.
Im guessing you have read up on this, but spinning or looking at your (dream) hands genuinely works
These last few nights I’ve been lying in bed trying to sleep. Then I’ll be doing something typical of my everyday activities like looking at items in a store or something and I think “wait! Wasn’t I in bed a moment ago?”. Then I wake up instantly.
Also, this morning I woke up and started writing in my dream diary. I found it easy to recall the last few events that had happened in my dreams.
Moments later I really woke up and realised that I’d dreamed writing in my dream diary. Funny thing is, everything I wrote in my dream dream diary was a true account of the events of my dreams. And i even got the date right!!
I guess it’s good cos it means I’m making progress. But it’s kinda frustrating at the moment. I’ve had brief lucid dreams in the past, although I cant recall having one in a while now.
Oh well, tonight is another night…