Arguement with your subconcious?

Can’t wait till i start having LD’s.

“hey, find me some girls SC”
“I am not your mother”
“I OWN YOU!!!”
“Don’t test my patience, you wont win”
“I’m sooooo scared”
wakes up
“damnit, it won!”

Myabe your SC will have a sense of humor? or maybe be boring and confusing as hell…

haha, that would be funny.

I hope my SC gets me some girls… or rather, some women. I don’t like reffering to female humans as girls… don’t ask why, I don’t know…

hmm i will ask it why i sleepwalk

i will ask it to tell me something witty
and it WILL! lol

ask it a trick question!

Now what about compromising with your SC :eh:

Lol yeah Huey, that would be something to try :razz:.

Like you can control the dreamscape, and I control myself?

I’d like to ask my SC to allow me to remember all my dreams from now on.

I once talked with my subconscious who was portrayed as a dream character, a woman about the same age as me. I didn’t summon her, she just appeared and i knew she was my subconscious because she knew everything about me, she could also read my mind, and she loved who i was, she acted like a best friend. When I realised she was actually telepathic I started to get scared and thought about all the things i regret doing and any guilts i had at the time. She said to me something like “don’t worry about it, i dont mind” which brang a sigh or relief knowing that my subconscious approves of me. We had a really great time talking to each other, we even ended up having sex LOL. She was with me for the entire dream which was about an hour long, and when she was with me I had 100% full control over my dream and my dream powers like telekinesis and what not. I remember near the end of the dream there was a man trying to run me over in his car. He was coming towards me really fast so i put my hand out and it stopped dead on the spot. Then I made him burst into flames just by thinking it, then i put out the flames using a big gust of wind just by thinking it. It was soo good to talk to my subconscious and to experience full control over my powers. I really want to experience this again :smile:

that sounded great Eonnn!

right now all my DC’s seem to hate me when I go lucid.


I had a nasty argument with my SC, culminating in my flying a Boeing 747-400 into it. It, quite understandably, was rather upset about that and has recently been working overtime to prevent me from becoming lucid (clocks the same, hands look fine, etc.). It’s very irritating, especially when I saw a sign that said “Do an RC, stupid!” and it didn’t work…

your subconcious is part of your mind so you cant struggle against it every action you do in your mind is done with your subconcious fully knowing and even being part of. the sc can manifest itself but its part of you so its not against you maybe it wants you out of the dreams but you have an equall say maybe when your sc trying to get you out of the dreams just think the reasons why you should be there becouse the sc is agreeing then

haha, i would argue with my SC, really meaning myself…

haha argueing with your subconscious. this sounds like me :razz:

I don’t think I’d want to try to connect with my subconscious like that. It seems too broad. I’d want to start with something like Jung’s anima which it sounds like someone else may have been successful connecting to. If I developed a lot of control in my dream it might be worthwhile to meet my shadow, but it’s definitely not something I’d want to rush into and I’d want to be extremely, extremely cautious doing so.


is it just me or is the idea of sex with your subconncsious completely revolting

Not to mention impossible, as your SC would be the same gender you are (although i can’t verify this, as i’m yet to meet mine)

Cough You’re subconscious is not a manifestation of an entity, it’s just all the processes of body and mind which you don’t control.

Of course, i’m talking about if you were to meet it in a dream, in which case it WOULD be an entity.

Exactly. Interacting with archetypal images seems like a much simpler and more predictable way to go about it, not that you know the outcome, but you’ll know what you’re dealing with. If you try to manifest your subconscious in the dream, and you’re not setting a lot of conscious expectations for how it will appear, what are you dealing with? And if you do setup expectations you’ve probably limited the subconscious in some way.
