Arnold has ruined reality checks

It’s all true. He is also the Antichrist, anti-semitic, and a devil worshipper. :roll:


Uh, whatever. Sorry, but Ickes is an extreme, radical socialist with a pungent personal agenda. If you look at his web site, it doesn’t take long to realize that it’s all about personal insults. It’s all negative, it’s all personal, and it’s all devisive and destructive.

I can take the comments of people on this forum and cut and paste and make it say pretty much whatever I want. That doesn’t mean I’m accurately portraying the poster.

As for the ‘hitler’ comments that Arnold made, the american press (solidly liberal and anti-libertarian) quoted arnold as say he ‘admired’ the way hitler went from nothing to something, and then ended the quote. During an interview, Arnold’s advisor was read that quote by Wolf Blitzer (cnn) and asked to explain it. He asked Wolf, “what does the next line in the quote say?” Wolf Blitzer hurridly read the next line that said emphatically that Arnold said he hated everything that Hitler stood for politically.

Let me put this another way. I admire the personal ambition of Alexander the Great. But I hate the fact that he was responsible for tens of thousands of deaths during his conquest of the known world.

Liberals would say “see, see! Davion loves warmongering Alexander the great, and even says so! He said 'I admire the personal ambition of Alexander the Great! If elected, Davion would lead us all into war!” They would just select the part they want you to hear, and leave the TRUTH out.

I understand why democrats are so hysterical. They are slowly but surely losing power to republicans in the USA. I just hope people catch on to Libertarianism in this country before it’s too late.

IF DEMOCRATS CONSOLIDATE POWER: we will become a socialist country (completely) and the economy will be gone in 10 years.

IF REPUBLICANS CONSOLIDATE POWER: we will become something like fascist. (come on, HOMELAND SECURITY? give me a break.)

How can you admire him?! This man was evil! What’s wrong with you?! :tongue:

Perhaps it’s because I’m an evil, woman hating neo-nazzi facist pig. Hmmm… I wonder if I can become the next governor of my state?


(joke, btw.)

I hope he doesn’t terminate america! heh
I wonder why nobody has written his surname?
cant spell?
I didn’t just read that off some website thing or something I can actually spell it

wow, that really is good. NO ONE CAN SPELL HIS SURNAME.

I deliberately avoided trying to spell it. I’ll admit it. I don’t have the time to learn it.

. . . starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as “The Govenator” :grin:

I would have voted for Gary Coleman if I lived there. :smile:
Whatchoo talkin’ about, Arnold?

Too bad ‘Mary Carey’ the porn star didn’t make it. She had the idea of setting up webcams in the Governor’s Mansion and using proceeds toward reducing the deficit. She also planned to Tax breast implants. :cool_laugh:

Duh, Mary Carey is nothing compared with Larry Flint :happy: . You people DO know Larry “Hustler” Flint don’t you :tongue:

Did anyone see DEMOLITION MAN?

Remember that scene about the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library?

However somebody told me (don’t know if this is true, you tell me) that you have to be born in America to become US Prez and Schwarzy wasn’t…

Did you download that funny song TOTAL RECALL (with somebody imitating Schwarzy)? It’s out of this world!

LOL yes, that movie is visionary :happy: . It’s true you have to be a “natural born citizen” to become US president but they can alsways change the constitution… They must, because otherwise Schwarzenegger will do this all by himself (founding a new party that gets absolute majority and changes the constitution) :wink:

and what da heck there’s a link to her porn site RIGHT on that page…


They are actually talking about changing that law now, so he might have a tiny chance of being president of US in the future

It will never happen. Ammending the constitution of the US requires a 67% majority in both houses of congress, but ratification by 67% of all state legislatures.