I have a picture Ive done recently, and Im frustrated, because I cant understand what its about. When I do art I just do random things that are in my head, and then I meditate on its meaning. I wish I could post it so you could see it, Ill try to describe it. Its a pic of a tree that is pointinig in the form of a hand, and it is braking while it is pointing toward a comit headed toward earth, the numbers 11:11 are on the other side. Then there is candale wax obscuring the picture, there is a actual ciggarett incased in the picture frame, and a peace of papper that has writing that looks like writing, but it dosnt say anything. There are dimes in each corner of the frame, and a fortune from a fortune cookie that says… "Dont believe the slogun, believe in the truth behind the slogan. I dont have a tittle for it, because like I said I dont know what its trying to say. Maybie its about the anxiety attack I had recently sence I did it shortly after. So to you artist out there. Can you relate to this problem? I showed it to a friend, and it scared him. Which made me feel good, because its kind of what I was going for.
I can relate 100%. When I make a peice of visual art, and sometimes linguistic, though not as often, I rarely know what it’s about. Meditation on the meaning of a peice before you make it serves only to subdue the intent of your subconscious mind.
I figured it out, all it really needed was a title, and the art was complex to come up with what it was all about, so I decided to call it “Asleep” because it is a pitcure like you would see in a dream I added one more thing to it. I glued a cap on the picture frame, and glued a quarter on top of the cap, and it looks like the quorter is floating. I feel releaved to finaly give it a name. It fits perfect with the dream theam, because of the words that you cant really read. I will try to send post it so you can see it.
I think Im going to start doing RC art.
RC art? What do you mean by that?
Bizzar pictures like you would see in dreams. Like placing things in the picure frame, and making it it enteractive.
O.K. I thought I was done with this picture, but I have once againe changed the name from “Asleep” to “The glass”(Honestly this is the last time, it is finaly complete) This is so cool, because now it has a totaly diffrent meaning. Like I said my friend told me the pitcure scared him, and it made me think. The glass refers to how you view the picture, if you look at the glass half empty it will the picture will scare the hell out of you, but if you look at the glass as being half full, you will realize that the picture is so rediculous it is actualy just a joke. Ive even made a instruction sheet on how to view “The glass” I placed it under the picture, to make it even more enteractive it says… “Instructions on viewing “The glass” Do not look at the glass as being half empty, like life it will only scare you, to keep the wax in the picture from melting, keep picture cool, or in the refrigerator. Do not smoke the cegarett, because the glue used to hold it to the picture may harm you. Some of the words in “The glass” are not actualy words, so dont try reading them you will only waste your time. Look at “The glass” as being half full, and you will realize that “The glass” is so rediculous its only a joke.”
Man I realy wish you guys could see it, I dont mean to brag, but Im on a art high, and Im really proud of it.
I posted this in Phillosophers cloud, because I was wanting to talk about art from a phillisophical point of view, and how when I create a peace of art Im become obsessed with it, untill I finaly understand it. Once againe It has a diffrent meaning, I think I know what its about from my point of view. Its still tittled “The glass” the joke idea was stupid now that I think about it, but that was me back at the drawing board so to speak. “The glass” is about drug addiction, and its so obvious now that I think about it. I feel like art isnt fineshed untill you have its meaning, and thats why Ive been so obsessed with it. The drugs being trapped behind the glass, the tree hand braking trying to reach for money, to buy drugs, the ciggarett, it all makes sence now. One day Ill be abale to let you see it. I have alot of other ideas about art. Like I want to draw a picture, and place it in a frame. Then seal the piture in a yellow package, and just lay it on the tabale never to be opened. Ill sign my name, and tittle it on the envelope, because thats actualy the art, the picture inside is just part of it, because you never see it. Ill tittle it “The package” I allso want to take a photograph of under a car, and call it “Closterphobia”. I have so many ideas.
Well I’m not much on visual arts, but I can say the same for music most of the time.
Have you ever seen the music vido for Red hot chillie peppers. The song called “Cant stop” I heard That was based on someones conceptual art, and It blew my mind. It was simple objects, but it was allso stuff you dont expect to see. What was that artist name, that the video was based on?