Ask SC to see dream map

Has anyone ever tryed asking their SC or spirit guide if they could see a map of their own dream world. I think it would be interesting to see what happends. I wonder if it would be accurate and how detailed it would be.

Just to be a smartass, you could say that you are always looking at a “map” of your dreamworld. Because your dreamworld is all that you see and experience in that particular moment and no more. What you see if what you get, the rest is not determined yet, and when you look away, it’s gone. So that means that the map is always 100% accurate, but only for the ongoing present. That is, at every moment, the map is correct, but the moment before is different from the now and the map of then is now incorrect, only it changed, so it is correct, but a slightly different map and it will not account for the future, as it may change at any moment. So if you want a nice map to look at, just fly up, and see what you see on the ground!
But it would be fun to try and ask for a map anyway, and see what happens.