Many years ago I had an idea to ask a lucid dream to show me an idea for a new lucid dream method. When I became lucid I remembered my mission. I was outside a school so I told myself that when I enter this school the first thing I want to see is an idea for a new lucid dream method. I walked up to the big doors and raised my hand to pull the door open. As I raised my hand to the door I could see I had a 5 pound wrist weight on my wrist and I could feel the weight of it. I decided at that same moment that this must be the new idea for a lucid dream method I asked for. Then I woke up before I got to open the door. Foolishly I bought a pair of wrist weights that week and tried sleeping with them on but they had no affect.
But hey, the idea to ask in a dream for a LD method is a good one. Maybe you try to ask a normal DC the next time?
DC’s are jerks. Theyll only screw ya out of having lucid dreams. Asleast thats what mine are like anyway. Sorry Im just venting.
lol. mine say " i am not the right person to ask, other have to me the answers to my questions def the right thing to do
Epic, I like that idea, but it would take lots of dedication. You would have to start wearing the weights on your hands all day every day for like a week or two. Then the weights would start appearing in your dreams, but they would be weight less!
I’ve thought about using pain for a cue. However, whenever I’m in my dream i forget that my neck hurt when I went to bed, etc.
None the less, I like that idea. I think if you had a few weeks you could be lucid everynight for a while and also be in better shape.
You are correct, the wrist weight was weightless. I remember now. It was 10 or 15 years ago and I thought the same thing. That WEIGHTLESS wrist weights could work as an oddity cue if I could get them to show up often.