asking a DC how to become Lucid

I have been struggling lately with LDing. Maybe having a second child and having family to visit and staying with me for the last 4 months has been a big part of the problem. Well finally the house is peaceful again and it’s time to get back down to Lucid business!
I know when I’m LDing I try to figure out what really made me become lucid, what really connected me to the reality of the dream. Some dreams are just as outrageous (such as having a polar bear as a pet and taking it to a bar) and I think nothing of it like it is normal. I feel like when I wake up from a LD I have the answer like for a second I understand the connection and how to become lucid the next time without much difficultly. Maybe this is why when I wake up from a LD and if I go directly back to sleep I can continue to become Lucid. There is some kind of connection there that is lost moments after awakening, like when you don’t record a dream after waking and it is forgotten with in a few hours if not minutes. So the question is has anyone else felt this or have an idea of what I am talking about? I was thinking that next time I will ask a DC if they can answer that question for me if they know the connection and how to tap into it with out doing endless RC all day long.
I also just purchased some crystal wand that I had made in India to help facilitate LDing, Lapis, moonstone, garnet, & moonstone. But that is a whole other post. :wink:

I always get that feeling right after an LD. It’s like you know how to become lucid without question. In a way, you really do. Asking a DC to help you out with that can be a good help. It’s just like telling part of your SC “hey, I want to keep this up.” In fact, the CALD technique is built around this principle, albeit using a very specific character. You should check it out.

I have this as well, and I’m getting to think that it’s nothing more than simple consciousness. Not that I’m pulling this realization down, on the contrary. Lucidity would be, by definition, just being conscious of what your surroundings really are. When one wakes up from a LD, (s)he just continues being conscious, that is the exact thing that allowed the dream beforehand to be directed and enjoyed, since it’s really all that it takes, simple consciousness.
Techs can put the doubt into your head when you’re actually inside a dream, but once you get “it”, from there it’s as simple as staying aware. So why not just being conscious in the first place? It takes little to raise your awareness before bed, just 5 minutes of silence and peace, or maybe some meditation, and then you’re set.

I read of quite the number of people asking in dreams for advice on lucidity and receiving not exactly useful response (it happened to me too); maybe it’s perhaps because there’s no real secret to lucidity, perhaps the secret to lucidity is just lucidity itself, in its original meaning of awareness.

tosxyChor I think your right. I do notice when I take the time to be more conscious in my everyday waking surroundings I have more LD’s.
A friend of mine does a lot of Out-of-Body meditations and she said when she holds workshops her experiences are alway much more profound. I think it is the same with LDing when I have it always on the brain and when I immerse myself in LD material I become more Lucid about my surrounds because I’m always questioning if I’m in a dream forcing me to be conscious of my surrounds. So the more consious you are in everyday waking life you carry that into your dream life and hence have more LD’s.
I’m going to try to talk to a DC and ask for some insights since it really is just a version of myself they might know just what I need to hear. :wink:

DCs are awesome. So very many of my LDs come from a DC walking up to me and saying “Oh, btw, this is a dream.” It’s great that you can get lucid from immersing yourself in the idea. :smile: For me, if I think too much about it, I don’t dream about it!! Mine have to come about subconsciously. But it makes sense. DCs are just another part of the dream setting, but you get more interaction from a DC than the grass. :tongue: Definitely check out CALD!